openSUSE do not touch the disk until all the preparation is done, much more secure
Not all steps are essential to securely start install. Before the installer can go ahead, it needs to know the following: - Which partition to install on - The default environment: KDE, GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, minimal X, server When these settings have been entered, an install summary can be shown and the installer can begin copying files when the user confirms. While this is being done, configuration can start: - Time zone - Language - Root password - User setup
If you accept all defaults in the installer you get a working system you can customize later. Precisely. Ideally you'd want to do this while your computer can't be used for other things. Since you have to wait when the installer is setting up the base system, this would be the best time to configure the system. As far as I know, Ubuntu is the only operating system that does this. I fully expect major operations systems to adopt this little efficiency tweak in upcoming versions. I fail to see the drawbacks of such a move... am I overlooking something?
I also agree with the ipod but gtkpod supports upto Iphone 4 16gb alas I have the 32. It wrecked the library on my iPod touch, but I don't blame them because Apple has been less than helpful in giving third-party apps access to iOS devices. Its functionality simply isn't on par with iTunes. I'm talking full support for music, podcasts (played/unplayed markers, resuming podcasts), audiobooks, videos, smart playlists, Genius, artwork and lyrics. As with LibreOffice, I completely understand that their resources are just a fraction of the resources Apple has. After all, Apple is a big commercial enterprise and gtkpod is being maintained by volunteers. I appreciate their hard work, but they can't replace iTunes at this point.
I now use a virtual machine with Windows and a copy of iTunes to manage my iPod touch. Is this desirable? Absolutely not. Can we do something about it? I'm afraid we can't.
I love the lo interface and hate the new ms interface its awful if lo ever switch I hope we can skin it back. Les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas... (You can't argue about personal taste.) But I still think that MS Office not being available for Linux is a major drawback for many people, because 1) most people are already familiar with Office and don't want to learn how to use a new office suite and 2) you know for sure what your document will look like when other people (likely Office users) try to open it.
Cheers, Pieter 2011/3/9 <>:
Helps if I spell words correctly!! Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
-----Original Message----- From: Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 07:52:30 To: <> Reply-To: Subject: Re: [opensuse-marketing] Clarifying our statement on LibreOffice
Codecs I agree with really need a popup message asking if they would like to add popup messages to add packman.
I also agree with the ipod but gtkpod supports upto Iphone 4 16gb alas I have the 32.
I love the lo interface and hate the new ms interface its awful if lo ever switch I hope we can skin it back.
If you accept all defaults in the installer you get a working system you can customize later.
Biggest question on the installer is KDE or GNOME and this is why I recommend the retail version for newbies as the instruction manual covers all this.
Stuart Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
-----Original Message----- From: Pieter De Decker <> Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 22:00:00 Cc: <> Subject: Re: [opensuse-marketing] Clarifying our statement on LibreOffice
Sure if we can convince people to switch from Ubuntu to openSUSE its fine, but the real question is, how on earth do we convert the billions if dissatisfied windows users to seriously consider making the switch?
openSUSE is a very stable, technically advanced OS, but as with Linux in general there is a lot of friction for first time users. The installer is perhaps the first important hurdle. If the install process overwhelms the user with questions about things they don't yet understand, they'll get confused and abort the install. When I tried out Ubuntu 10.10 a few months ago, I was pleasantly surprised by its easy installer. As much as I like openSUSE, the Ubuntu installer is much convenient in my humble opinion.
Video here:
I want to draw attention to two things: - The installer starts copying files when the partitioning is finalized, which saves time. - The partitioner is, in its easiest form, a simple draggable slider that lets the user set the amount of space used by Ubuntu. I've opened a related openFATE request some time ago:
Here are some general reasons why Windows users may not want to switch: - "At least I know the Windows way of doing things. I don't want to learn use an OS that does things differently." -- Here are a few examples: the RPM packaging system (as opposed to downloading EXEs from the software vendors), the file system (/path/to/file versus C:\path\to\file), the absence of drive letters (drives are mounted as a directory, e.g. /mnt/cdrom), symbolic links, several desktop environments (as opposed to "Windows Explorer"). I could go on, but you get the point. - "It doesn't have iTunes, so I can't manage my iP[a-zA-Z]+ with the same ease." - "I can't use Microsoft Office on Linux." -- Although LibreOffice is the best free alternative to MS Office I've seen so far, it doesn't offer 100% compatibility with MS Office and it has an Office XP-era interface. (LibreOffice is provided for free of charge and is maintained by devoted developers in their spare time, so I know that they're already doing the best they can with the few resources that they have.)
And finally something else that causes friction for new openSUSE users: it's a pain in the neck having to install proprietary support for formats such as MP3. I know there are complicated copyright issues involved with this, but if I recall correctly Ubuntu *does* offer an easy way to install these codecs. It's just one of those little annoyances I have with openSUSE. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater... I'm just trying to think about how friction could be reduced for new users.
2011/3/7 Chuck Payne <>
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Bryen M. Yunashko <> wrote:
Guys, before this turns into a long spam thread of people voting... this email was *not* meant to vote for either statement. You can USE either statement according to what fits your needs and audience best.
Though I appreciate Manu and JDD's votes, even if JDD tends to delete the entire previous thread before responding. :-)
On Mon, 2011-03-07 at 18:58 +0530, Manu Gupta wrote:
On Mon, 2011-03-07 at 06:38 -0600, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
As we get closer and closer to 11.4 release, we proudly boast that openSUSE will be the first to ship with LibreOffice. Unfortunately, there is already some dispute to that, as some have pointed out that Pardus Corporate version ships with the stable version of LibreOffice.
Congratulations to Pardus (and possibly others) that are shipping it.
We must modify our message going forth or we'll lose credibility. Discussing with some others quickly on line, we have the following two statements that you can choose to use:
A) openSUSE 11.4 is the first major distribution to ship LibreOffice
B) openSUSE is among the first shipping LibreOffice.
Both are good, safe statements that retain truth.
Thanks! Bryen
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It might not have been clear and that is why the voting. Too me I could read into that we could use both.
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