On Wednesday 08 January 2014 15:57:51 Svebor Prstačić wrote:
On Wed, 2014-01-08 at 13:14 +0100, Henne Vogelsang wrote:
On 07.01.2014 22:19, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On Tuesday 07 January 2014 15:53:04 Henne Vogelsang wrote:
On 07.01.2014 14:50, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
First announcement: https://news.opensuse.org/?p=17485&preview=true (mixing your with Svebor's writing)
Feedback welcome. This can go out whenever you want, it's a slow time :D
Too many links pointing people elsewhere and in general way too much focus on the stuff around the conference (location, venue local community) instead of what will happen at the conference. I guess to have it picked up widely we need it the other way around...
It's just meant to be a first "oSC will happen in the pretty Dubrovnik" article. I'd rather have an article out BIG about the schedule or something.> Sure, but even without a schedule we know what will happen at the conference right? We might not know the exact topics in the schedule but we have 5 years of experience with oSC, we should share what it's like so people can decide if they want to go there.
In the second paragraph "The openSUSE Conference" there are links to reports from previous conferences. IMHO, this provides a look into what might happen at the '14 conference?
So I suggest we should delay no longer and it is time to publish - with additions robjo proposed (commented on this on Trello).
Ok, it goes out today. I added a part about the theme and about the CfP dates. /J