Hey Chuck, all, This is a great example of an event report -- I'd encourage everybody to do something similar. Chuck - do you have a blog or something where you can post this publicly, with pics? Best, Zonker On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Chuck Payne <terrorpup@gmail.com> wrote:
I am happy to say that the Atlanta Linux Fest was a great hit. They were planning for only fewer than 500 people, but ended up with a turn out of 600+. I am happy to say that all the stuff that Zonker sent was all passed out and we still had people wanting more. We answer all the questions they has. Demo the 11.1 for a bit until my laptop died (there was no power on the wall we were on).
The talked that I gave on the openSUSE Community seem to go over well, a lot people were surprise at all the stuff we had to offer (Build Service, SUSE Studio, Factory, and openSUSE Li-f-e). The SUSE Studio seem to really impress a lot of people. Tons of questions, tons of comments from people says they us, or that they will give us a try. The magazine from LixunPro with the Live Disc was a hit. By the way, one the things that amazed me, was I meet a guy from Turkey who been using openSUSE there was surprise to see us this Fest and was happy for us
The Fedora Ambassador were they and were impress with us and wanted to help us out. They intorduced me to Dave Yates of Lotta Linux Links Podcast (http://lottalinuxlinks.com/blog), who wants to talked to me about the Ambassador program. Also a few people that were from other parts of the country asking me how to become Ambasssador because they too want to go out spread the word of openSUSE.
I meet Katina Ferguson and husband from from Foss threads http://www.fossthreads.com/, everyone needs to check them out. I am only pointing the out because their business makes T-Shirts for the open source community. What really impressed me about them was they use openSUSE, inkscape, and GIMP to create their shirts. I am thinking it who be cool that we have in future in the newsletter articles to over openSUSE in the work place.
I talked with Arron from the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts at their November Meeting I am going to do launch party for 11.2, we are working out the details.
So a great fest! I am happy that I could help.
Zonkers, they told me they did miss you. They tell me they will be in contact with me about next year fest.
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-- Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb@zonker.net> openSUSE Community Manager: http://zonker.opensuse.org Blogs: http://blogs.zdnet.com/community | http://www.dissociatedpress.net Twitter: jzb | Identica: jzb http://identi.ca/group/opensuse/members -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+help@opensuse.org