Hi all, In my previous mail I mentioned stickers, postcards and buttons - in short, simple, cheap goodies. I would actually love some more ideas in that area, I might be able to add those to boxes too ;-) Be a bit specific and include a cost guestimate. And the needed artwork - in short, I'll just order some of the stuff you guys & girls will send me, so that should be easy for me :D for example, a list with a nice graphic for a button (or a series of graphics for buttons) and a size (or sizes) & guestimated price that you found on the web would be something I can work with. Just a "well we could give out lighters with a nice openSUSE graphic" is not terribly helpful unless someone can provide the graphic ;-) Like the other mail - due to me not being around that often, I need someone to mail me the conclusions. Bryen, you stepped up for the other one, you ready to do that for this too? hugs, Jos