Am 13.04.2011 16:11, schrieb Jos Poortvliet:
The problem with Evergreen is simply that there is on only one (or maybe 2) people working on it. That is why we don't give it much attention: there's quite a chance that those 1-2 ppl will give up and there won't be ANY evergeen...
So unless other people step up, Evergreen doesn't have much future. Well, here I see the problem: If we don´t promote Evergreen, nobody will notice it, except the openSUSE fanboys, 11.1 users and some nerds. If
True... It´s the bitter truth. :/ the project needs developers, we have to search ones. And that means, that we have to do some promo labour. That doesn´t mean, that we take the whole Novell PR unit and let them work on a billion dollar commercial, but if some of us have the chance to talk about openSUSE, Evergreen should be content of it. To make Evergreen attractive, I think, an easy installation-media is necessary. I created one with SUSE Studio. Feel free to link to it or use it. Why? That´s easy. Imagine they are 3 groups of users: *The beginner: He wants that his system runs and he doesn´t want to care about it all the time. He will use 11.4 *The intermediate: He sometimes cares about his system and do some things on his own. He will use 11.3 or 11.4 till the end of support and upgrade then. *The power user: He do the most on his own, but loves to use YaST and easy system config software because he doesn´t wants to stay on such little things for long and will continue his work. *The geek: Once he installed a system, he builds the rest from scratch. He will use Evergreen for his little homeserver and his workstation, because he wants to have a fallback, when something is wrong. So, he loves to use 11.1 because he got a lot software written for it, and maybe he wants to use KDE 3. So, his girlfriend has a new computer: She let him do the system work, because he´s like a "computer-god" to her. So. he can install 11.4 to her. But why? When the both install the same version, it´s easier to her to work on his computer too. So he, installs 11.1. So. updating the system is a boring, longtime work. So, he download my image and use evergreen. Kim, my time is not endless! Why do you write this? Well, Evergreen is a great thing, but an installation media would throw the project in front, because you got a regular snapshot of the evergreen work for easy testing and using. And it keeps 11.1 alive also when the isos where removed.
If THAT is your message, feel free to talk about it. But don't be too positive about it unless we can find new people!
Yes, this is some kind of the message. But the whole thing was more planned to finding new developers for evergreen. I think. evergreen got the chance to be a real advantage for openSUSE, when it get attention and some love by the marketing. thanks -- Kim Leyendecker ( openSUSE Ambassador / openSUSE Wiki Team DE HAVE A LOT OF FUN! | Have you tried SUSE Studio? Need to create a Live CD, an app you want to package and distribute , or create your own linux distro. Give SUSE Studio a try. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: