Dear Jan, sorry for answering so late. I'm lying in bed with a flu and haven't checked my mail until now. Am Freitag, 10. Januar 2003 17:52 schrieb Jan Hefti:
Gerhard Schuck wrote:
1. Do not use the begin{CJK[*]}, end{CJK[*]} tags in the bibtex entry, but place your \bibliography{somebibfile} command inside a CJK[*] environment.
I tried that with a bibtex file containing only one entry with one kanji in the title field (and the rest Romaji without special characters). That brought a somewhat better result: latex run didn't stop. But still no success. Instead of the kanji I get the message "[Please insert "PrerenderUnicode-" into preamble]".
Did that error occur for a citation in the text or for the bibliography at the end?
For the text (in a footnote).
It sounds like jurabib formats your entry's title to use a special fontstyle, so that cjk-latex is no longer used to render the text. Maybe you could try whether the error occurs if you only use a \nocite{*} in the text (and no \cite{whatever} commands), and if it does, send me the resulting .bbl file? I might be able to help if it needs the same sort of fixing as the ones produced by the dinat style, but I can't promise.
I will try as soon as I'm fit again. Thanks again Gerhard -- Gerhard Schuck <>
participants (1)
Gerhard Schuck