How do I change the Hot-Keys for SCIM? The standard Bhutanese (dz_BT) keyboard uses shift-spacebar to insert a space character and plain (un-shifted) spacebar to insert character 0F0B (which is used like an inter word space in Dzongkha). However sometimes Dzongkha users need to insert a space with shift-spacebar but if SCIM is running it grabs that key combination. - Chris

Christopher Fynn <cfynn@gmx.net> さんは書きました:
How do I change the Hot-Keys for SCIM?
The standard Bhutanese (dz_BT) keyboard uses shift-spacebar to insert a space character and plain (un-shifted) spacebar to insert character 0F0B (which is used like an inter word space in Dzongkha). However sometimes Dzongkha users need to insert a space with shift-spacebar but if SCIM is running it grabs that key combination.
Open the skim setup by clicking with the right mouse button on the skim icon in the KDE taskbar or in the scim panel which opens if scim is activated. There you will find a dialog which lets you set the Hot-Keys, including the trigger key to activate skim. If you are using scim and not skim it is similar. -- Mike FABIAN <mfabian@suse.de> http://www.suse.de/~mfabian 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。
participants (2)
Christopher Fynn