Re: [m17n] gjiten updated to version 0.9

Franz Maria Tabei <> writes:
when i tried to install gjiten-0.9-0 on SuSE7.3, it said:
error: failed dependencies: xjdic-data is needed by gjiten-0.9-0 xjdic-indices is needed by gjiten-0.9-0
but i already installed xjdic. can somebody help me, please?
Looks like you are not using the xjdic packages from SuSE Linux 7.3. I SuSE Linux <= 7.2, there were no xjdic packages and I packed the indices for gjiten into the gjiten package. For SuSE Linux 7.3, I added xjdic. xjdic uses *exactly* the same indices as gjiten and it would be wasteful to duplicate the information in both packages. In order to make gjiten and xjdic share the information, I did create three sub-packages for xjdic xjdic.rpm xjdic binaries and documentation xjdic-data.rpm xjdic data files which can be shared with gjiten xjdic-indices.rpm indices for the dictionaries from edict.rpm which can be shared with gjiten. and I made both xjdic and gjiten require xjdic-data and xjdic-indices so that both have access to the shared data. I.e. if you use the new gjiten package together with xjdic.rpm, xjdic-data.rpm, xjdic-indices.rpm, and edict.rpm from SuSE Linux 7.3, it should work 'out of the box'. For SuSE Linux > 7.3, I stopped packing pre-generated indices at all into xjdic-indices. The newest xjdic-indices packages now contains only a script "/sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.xjdic". For each EDICT dictionary name in a list, SuSEconfig.xjdic will check if such a dictionary is installed in /usr/share/edict and if the respective index-file is missing or older than the dictionary file. If yes, it will generate a new index file. This has 2 advantages: - saves about 6 MB in the xjdic-indices.rpm (this is important, packages are always omitted from the SuSE CDs due to lack of space) - indices will be automatically regenerated if newer versions of the EDICT dictionaries are installed. I.e. after installing the new gjiten and xjdic packages, you should run SuSEconfig (as always after installing rpms on a SuSE system)[1]. The indices will then be generated. I have also uploaded updated xjdic packages using this SuSEconfig mechanism to Footnotes: [1] actually, it is enough to run 'SuSEconfig --module xjdic'. You can run all SuSEconfig modules like that 'SuSEconfig --module fonts', 'SuSEconfig --module sendmail' etc. Much faster than running the complete SuSEconfig if you know that you only need a certain part. -- Mike Fabian <> 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。

thank You very much for Your detailed information. learned a lot, and did it this way. now i installed it, but i have an error-message saying: $B:w0z%U%!%$%k$r3+$1$^$;$s$G$7$?!'(B/usr/share/edict/.xjdx $B@_Dj$r3NG'$7$F2<$5$$!#(B with the older version i had no problems to add dictionary-files, but now gjiten does not work. it is saying: $B<-=q%U%!%$%k%$%i!<!#$^$:@_Dj$r$7$F2<$5$$!#(B if i try to look up a word. please give me a hint. ciao, franz $BF|MKF|(B, 4. 11$B7n(B 2001 02:33$B!"$"$J$?$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
Looks like you are not using the xjdic packages from SuSE Linux 7.3.
I SuSE Linux <= 7.2, there were no xjdic packages and I packed the indices for gjiten into the gjiten package.
For SuSE Linux 7.3, I added xjdic. xjdic uses *exactly* the same indices as gjiten and it would be wasteful to duplicate the information in both packages. In order to make gjiten and xjdic share the information, I did create three sub-packages for xjdic
xjdic.rpm xjdic binaries and documentation xjdic-data.rpm xjdic data files which can be shared with gjiten xjdic-indices.rpm indices for the dictionaries from edict.rpm which can be shared with gjiten.
and I made both xjdic and gjiten require xjdic-data and xjdic-indices so that both have access to the shared data.
I.e. if you use the new gjiten package together with xjdic.rpm, xjdic-data.rpm, xjdic-indices.rpm, and edict.rpm from SuSE Linux 7.3, it should work 'out of the box'.
For SuSE Linux > 7.3, I stopped packing pre-generated indices at all into xjdic-indices. The newest xjdic-indices packages now contains only a script "/sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.xjdic". For each EDICT dictionary name in a list, SuSEconfig.xjdic will check if such a dictionary is installed in /usr/share/edict and if the respective index-file is missing or older than the dictionary file. If yes, it will generate a new index file.
This has 2 advantages:
- saves about 6 MB in the xjdic-indices.rpm (this is important, packages are always omitted from the SuSE CDs due to lack of space) - indices will be automatically regenerated if newer versions of the EDICT dictionaries are installed.
I.e. after installing the new gjiten and xjdic packages, you should run SuSEconfig (as always after installing rpms on a SuSE system)[1]. The indices will then be generated.
I have also uploaded updated xjdic packages using this SuSEconfig mechanism to m
Footnotes: [1] actually, it is enough to run 'SuSEconfig --module xjdic'. You can run all SuSEconfig modules like that 'SuSEconfig --module fonts', 'SuSEconfig --module sendmail' etc. Much faster than running the complete SuSEconfig if you know that you only need a certain part.
-- Barbara Lee - nur EINE frau fuer den frieden?! $BJ?OB$N0Y$K!'$?$@0l?M$N=w@-!'(B (IJ^0J^W$B!&%j!<(B --- Don't hate micro$oft - Join Linux --- Don't hate the media - Become the media

Franz Maria Tabei <> writes:
thank You very much for Your detailed information. learned a lot, and did it this way. now i installed it, but i have an error-message saying:
索引ファイルを開けませんでした:/usr/share/edict/.xjdx 設定を確認して下さい。
Does your /usr/share/edict directory look like this: mfabian@gregory:~/.gnome$ ls /usr/share/edict/ 4jwords compverb.xjdx findic kanjd212 pandpdic 4jwords.xjdx concrete findic.xjdx kanjd212.xjdx pandpdic.xjdx aviation concrete.xjdx geodic kanjidic aviation.xjdx edict geodic.xjdx kanjidic.xjdx radkfile classical edict.xjdx gnu_licence kanjstroke romkana.cnv classical.xjdx edicth j_places lingdic vconj compdic edicth.xjdx j_places.xjdx lingdic.xjdx compdic.xjdx enamdict jddict.v02 mktdic compverb enamdict.xjdx jddict.v02.xjdx mktdic.xjdx mfabian@gregory:~/.gnome$
with the older version i had no problems to add dictionary-files, but now gjiten does not work. it is saying:
if i try to look up a word.
Please send me your ~/.gnome/gjiten setup file. I want to have a look whether it is different from mine. -- Mike Fabian <> 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。
participants (2)
Franz Maria Tabei
Mike Fabian