RE: [m17n] lyx-cjk, dvi viewers and ps viewers

Dear Dr. Fabian Thank you very much for your reply. Following your advice, I have changed ~/.profile. It works very well, and easy. Best Regards Jong-Hwa -----Original Message----- From: Mike Fabian To: Shin, Jong-Hwa Cc: '' Sent: 18-Sep-02 03:23 Subject: Re: [m17n] lyx-cjk, dvi viewers and ps viewers "Shin, Jong-Hwa" <> writes:
I made a user account in my machine for specially using Korean applications in order not to disturb other users' inintial setting (I share this SuSe machine with others whose knowledge on linux is virtually empty, so as root and as a user I use this trick) .
So, normally I follow this process for login: 1. login to the use name: Hangul 2. type its password ( My machine starts with KDM in the graphical mode.)/var/lib/canna/default.canna 3. In the X-windows system, I return to the text mode with root privilege with this command: /etc/init.d/xdm stop 4. In the text mode, I relogin to Hangul 5. Start X windows again, like LANG=ko_KR.eucKR startx windowmaker 6. An xim, ami comes up automatically
That's more complicated than necessary. Just put export LANG=ko_KR.eucKR into ~/.profile in the home directory of the user 'hangul'. Then login using KDM as the user 'hangul' (if you want windowmaker you can choose it in the KDM menu before logging in). The XIM server Ami will start automatically for the user 'hangul' because this user now has LANG=ko_KR.eucKR as the default. The other users still have the system default locale (unless they changed it in their ~/.profile). Stopping KDM and then using LANG=ko_KR.eucKR startx windowmaker achieves the same of course, but appears to be a bit complicated. If the user 'hangul' always want's to use LANG=ko_KR.eucKR, you can just as well write it into ~/.profile and use KDM to login. Because I switch locales very often for testing purposes, I write neither LANG nor any LC_ variables in ~/.profile, and usually start my X-session with LANG=something startx some-window-manager But I do that mainly to avoid having to edit ~/.profile each time I want to change locales. -- Mike Fabian <> ?????????????
participants (1)
Shin, Jong-Hwa