Re: [m17n] SJIS and Java properties files not displaying on SuSE 10.0. Help!
Cory, You need to use the ja_JP locale, JPN is an older Microsoft locale naming convention. S. On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 19:30 +0000, "Whitney, Cory" wrote:
I am running jre1.5.0_06 on SuSE 10.0 w/ gnome desktop.
I need to enable a Java app to display the JPN characters correctly. Locale is set to JPN. Now they come up as boxes.
The properties files containing the strings have the JPN characters as Shift-Jis (SJIS)-encoded escape characters. This works on the Windows side, and I can't have separate string-Properties files for Win and Linux, so I am hoping we can make these work on both platforms.
My assumption is I need a modified file to correctly display the strings.
I have tried modifying the file to contain the information needed to map to the JPN fonts on the system, but unsuccessfully.
I have also tried adding in the into the directory /usr/java/jre1.5.0_06, which I downloaded from: I also tried changing the name of to, but that made no difference.
I have downloaded the kochi - substitute rpm and installed it. I also made copies of the kochi-mincho-subst.ttf and kochi-gothic-subst.ttf and renamed them kochi-mincho.ttf and kochi-gothic.ttf.
Another thing I tried was using the font properties file/font from Marco Walther ( _asian). But no luck there either...
One thing I have noticed: the (r) character (\u00ae) is showing up fine...
I am also having the same sort of trouble getting the CHS and CHT to display.
- Also, I have searched for bug/documentation about this, but couldn't locate it. It would be helpful to have something to buy me a little more time on this project... Please let me know if there are any disclaimers of CJK support for jre1.5.0_06/SuSE that you know of...
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
P.S - this is my first time working with Linux, so if I am missing something painfully obvious, go easy on me ;-)
Cory Whitney
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Stephen Holmes