Hello, Since the Corona outbreak, phishing spam from China and Russia has increased dramatically, and even when separated, those from China are Japanese e-mails encoded in Chinese character codes (gb2312, gbk), and I was having a hard time dealing with the same pattern from my Chinese friends. However, I found skf, which supports more character encodings than nkf, built and installed it, and now I can send spam from China to /dev/null perfectly with procmail's filters, which is a great help. Cf. https://osdn.net/projects/skf/releases/ I found that the skf package is provided by fedora, and with some modifications to the src.rpm file, I was able to install and use skf on Tumbleweed. However, I think it is better to use the official version, so I would like to ask you to create a skf package for us. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: m.nomiya+m17n @ gmail.com ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "A bachelor’s degree still holds prestige as a ticket to the middle class, but its value has received increasing scrutiny. In the last several years, rising tuition and student loan debt have led more Americans to reconsider an investment in postsecondary education." -- Washington Post --
Hi Nomiya-san, Can you test my package? https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:ftake:branches:M17N/skf On 2023/02/18 11:01, Masaru Nomiya wrote:
Since the Corona outbreak, phishing spam from China and Russia has increased dramatically, and even when separated, those from China are Japanese e-mails encoded in Chinese character codes (gb2312, gbk), and I was having a hard time dealing with the same pattern from my Chinese friends.
However, I found skf, which supports more character encodings than nkf, built and installed it, and now I can send spam from China to /dev/null perfectly with procmail's filters, which is a great help.
I found that the skf package is provided by fedora, and with some modifications to the src.rpm file, I was able to install and use skf on Tumbleweed.
However, I think it is better to use the official version, so I would like to ask you to create a skf package for us.
--- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: m.nomiya+m17n @ gmail.com ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "A bachelor’s degree still holds prestige as a ticket to the middle class, but its value has received increasing scrutiny. In the last several years, rising tuition and student loan debt have led more Americans to reconsider an investment in postsecondary education."
-- Washington Post --
Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: Wishlist Message-ID : <2e34a3d2-eb7a-13c3-39e1-64533bf57d0d@geeko.jp> Date & Time: Sun, 19 Feb 2023 11:01:53 +0900 [FT] == Fuminobu TAKEYAMA <ftake@geeko.jp> has written: FT> Hi Nomiya-san, Hi. FT> Can you test my package? FT> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:ftake:branches:M17N/skf Thank you for your prompt response! It seems I went to the site too early, so downloaded skf-2.10.16-1.1.src.rpm from the following site, built & installed. https://build.opensuse.org/package/binaries/home:ftake:branches:M17N/skf/ope... $ echo "Epidemiolog=?iso-8859-1?b?7Q==?=a b=?iso-8859-1?b?4Q==?=sica, en marz" | skf -mz Epidemiología básica, en marz $ echo "=?UTF-8?B?77y86YG444G544Gm44GK44OI44Kv4piF44CQMSw5OTDlhobjgJw=?=" | skf -mz \選べておトク★【1,990円〜 I feel looks good. Sorry, but I would like to ask for perl and ruby modules as well, like Fedora. I mean, I have modified the namazu source code to use skf instead of nkf. At the moment, I have no prospect to use the ruby module, though. Anyway, many thanks. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: m.nomiya+m17n @ gmail.com ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ 「永守式が失敗しない秘訣はトップが買収先に乗り込む点」と話す。人員削 減せずに強力な指導力でコスト削減と営業体制の見直しを達成してきた。一 般的な企業では買収に携わった担当者がその後は関与せず「70~80%は統合作 業で失敗する」」 -- 「日本電産、M&A66戦全勝の虎の巻 トップ自ら乗り込む」 --
participants (2)
Masaru Nomiya