Or maybe you looked at the language specific one?
in Super OTC and language specific variants, the font family names are with CJK.
in Region specific variant, the font family names are without CJK
I now understand your new package containing region-specific OTF not multilingual OTF. https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-cjk Some of my comments come from my misunderstanding... Difference of family name means those fonts are not the same. So one idea I have now is how about and what happens if providing both region specific and Super OTC. Super OTC is for compatibility and those who want to use special OTC features. Of course, Super OTC is not pushed into DVD due to the disk space. Noto Sans fonts are really complicated... Thanks, Fuminobu TAKEYAMA On 2017/04/28 1:36, Marguerite Su wrote:
On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 12:12 AM, Takashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de> wrote
How about using the package dependency? That is,
- noto-sans-cjk-fonts: containing only regular and bold
- noto-sans-cjk-extra/full-fonts: containing the rest of weights, and it has "Requires: noto-sans-cjk-fonts" tag so that it fetches the full set.
I was stupid. will do that :-)
Aha, interesting. When I took a look at the individual *.otf file in the past, it still showed Noto Sans CJK XX. Maybe it was changed since then?
Or maybe you looked at the language specific one?
in Super OTC and language specific variants, the font family names are with CJK.
in Region specific variant, the font family names are without CJK
Well, the "Noto Sans CJK XX" will still appear when user installs OTC or the old OTF independently, so it's not too bad to keep it. It's harmless for now, unless such a font is installed, right?
Yes. But user installs such a font by themselves, it's not our fault any more.
I think the only way to get rid of this problem is to forbid the usage of 'CJK' variant.
That is, even if user installs such a font, we still use our fake.
But that'll be bad if he also uninstalls our font packages because no way he can display with his own installation.
Heck, I have also little idea about the fontconfig hack for emoji, too, so far...
Glad to hear that.
All current online implementation are based on one 'fact':
The emoji font used should contain any other 'symbol's that're not emoji.
Or such symbols provided by the sans-serif font used to display normal texts will be overrided.
But since I am not a heavy emoji user, I know neither 'what other symbols that are not emoji are' nor 'how to see if an emoji font covers other symbols'.
OK, let's start with that.
But maybe it's safer to keep it in M17N:fonts until the rest is worked out. Then we can submit all to FACTORY at once. (The only important thing is not to forget the procedure :)
Sounds like a good idea.
Yes. but I still don't know how to use a certain weight of a font to provide another weight of another font, eg:
Adobe Source Han Sans Light (200 weight) == Google Noto Sans CJK Light (300 weight)
So how to do the math to make a 200 weight Noto Sans CJK Light to provide the former? I guess no such support, and possibly we'll have to write up the matching manually by hands...
Fontconfig 'matrix' can be used to tweak the look of a font.
So we can use 'matrix' to scale Noto Sans CJK Light down to 2/3 to look like Adobe Source Han Sans Light?
3.4 re-evaluate the choicesin 60-family-prefer.conf
For example, we still have Wenquanyi Zen Hei in the preference of 'sans-serif', and those 'Shanghai Song Uni' and 'AR PL'
What are they? are they still installed on openSUSE by default?
I don't think so. It was some commercial fonts which was installed as default on SLE10 or such.
I see. but are you sure there're still people using SLED 10?
Maybe not, but the fonts may be still present.
We'll not drop the fonts from repo, but drop them from using in fontconfig.
Because the SLES just have TTYs which doesn't support CJK at all.
Hm? SLES is with GNOME desktop, even as default.
Err...does the last 'S' in SLES mean 'Server'?
GNOME desktop should be SLED, I think...
So at least the ancient open source CJK fonts can be cleaned up.
Yes, I have no objection for the cleanup, just explained where it came from. Please go head.
Thanks, but as said, it's low priority for now.
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