-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Sunday 30 May 2004 17:11, David Banz wrote:
However, non-ASCII-characters (e.g. german umlauts) are not properly displayed on the console and input of such characters is screwed up as well.
To be precise: When I create a file in xterm with "touch test_ö", ls on the console will show the character "ö" as two different characters. If I create a file with "touch test_ö" on the console, ls will show a question-mark instead of the character "ö". It looks like the console is still using iso-8859-whatever as input encoding. - -- David Banz [ GPG-Key: 1024D/A0EB5FBA 2003-04-26 Key fingerprint = 1344 D4EE 9769 EC2F 396F FDB3 A9A1 D6E9 A0EB 5FBA ] "The zebra is not famous for its spots..." -- Winston Seth -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkC5/HcACgkQqaHW6aDrX7pi5ACgiX6Xdwrq+YxMkKjRhN5BtCnd vkkAn3RiajGRfOQ6N1mfcOMS80SE/z95 =acR3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----