Mike FABIAN ✍:
Compose *does* work with scim for quite a while now. I certainly don't see it; the intertubes have complaints from other users to back up my position. I am very interested in why it works for you.
$ rpm -qa|ack 's[ck]im'|sort scim-1.4.7-181.1.x86_64 scim-anthy-1.2.7-6.1.x86_64 scim-pinyin- scim-pinyin-skim- scim-qtimm-0.9.4-278.2.x86_64 scim-tomoe-0.6.0-4.1.x86_64 skim-1.4.5-269.2.x86_64 $ env|sort|ack IM GTK_IM_MODULE=scim QT_IM_MODULE=scim QT_IM_SWITCHER=imsw-multi XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM The Compose key does not work in any application unless I unset those variables first. Then, of course, scim does not work. But I want to be able to use both in the same application; uim allows for this.
One could also ready the compose table at runtime, but that would cost a little bit of performance. That's definitely the way to go. The original Compose feature reads the customisations in my ~/.XCompose file, and so should any emulation thereof.