Hello Mike and everybody, I've been using fop http://xml.apache.org/fop to generate pdf documents from the intermediary xml format fo generated by xml on SuSE Linux 10.1. Unfortunately the fop version installed on SuSE 10.1 fails to render all characters except those in a very limited set, containing not much more than ASCII. Those outside this set are displayed as "#" Looking at the documentation - FOP FAQ: Some characters are ... displayed as "#" http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/faq.html#pdf-characters - FOP Fonts http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.20.5/fonts.html This uses a tool called TTFRead which requires some Java libraries. Lacking experience in Java, I haven't checked yet whether these are available on SuSE 10.1 or must be installed manually. In file:///usr/share/doc/packages/fop/examples/fo/advanced/cid-fonts.pdf there is an example from the FOP documentation that claims to show embedded Japanese CID-keyed fonts. However, these are displayed only by acroread, not by xpdf (which otherwise display CJK fonts perfectly on SuSE 10.1). Also, both xpdf and acroread issue warnings that the file is "damaged". Xpdf also says that it is "attempting to reconstruct xref table". Before diving deeply into this and attempting to configure a working unicode-based docbook->fo->pdf production system, I wanted to ask whether anyone has any experience with this or perhaps even some working package for the next SuSE release. -- Hartmut Pilch http://a2e.de/phm