"felix ulmer" <felix.ulmer@uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
I am using the german suse 8.0 distribution. I loaded the cjk-latex and cjk-lyx from ~mfabian and installed it. cjk-lyx just won´t start. using the debug command I can see, that it stops at "initialising GUI".
Try to install xdevel.rpm from your SuSE distribution first. cjk-lyx shouldn't need that, but it does. So it depends on whether xdevel.rpm is installed by chance or not.
I tried it on another machine cjk-lyx had the same problem, but than suddenly it worked. So I installed xcin, which works pretty well with chinese. But when I insert characters, it will not display them. there is just some 24bit charakter output. It won´t print as well.
I am using the arphic fonts. I tried to convert them to T1 but that did not work.
Can someone help me please. Maybe there is an easy step to step guide how to install cjk-lyx and where to get all the stuff I need? I read www.suse.de/~mfabian/suse-cjk/suse-cjk.html but it did not work for me...
I can't help you with these problems. I can only say that cjk-lyx works fine for me -- with Japanese fonts. Mike Fabian's install instructions are quite detailled. Please check whether you did everything correctly. Are the fonts installed? (I think you dont have to convert any font.) Did you do the necessary changes in your ~/.lyx-cjk/lyxrc file? Did you start cjk-lyx in the correct locale? Did you try to use any special characters, umlauts or so, which is impossible and makes cjk-lyx crash? You have to use the latex codes instead. Did you start it with "lyx-cjk" or with "lyx"? Good luck Gerhard Schuck geschu@ma5.seikyou.ne.jp