I have had enough. I had XP installed when I bought my computer, and both Japanese and Chinese IME worked out of the box. I wanted to give Suse a chance, though, so I bought and installed it. Of course, the packages I would need for CJK support was not included on any of the half a dozen discs shipped with the quite expensive 9.1 pro (surprise!). I was told that I needed to find and install SCIM, which I tried. I downloaded scim scim-chinese scim-tables-additional scim-tables-ja scim-tables-zh scim-uim scim-m17n but ofcourse, this wasn't enough. While trying to install scim, I was told that m17n-lib was needed, so I searched for that on google and downloaded it too. This couldnt be installed without libotf m17n-lib so I had to find and download these too. At some point, I was also forced to find and install wordcut Finally, when trying to install all this in the correct order, I was told that some of these files demanded an earlier version of scim than I had installed, but since they where all downloaded from Mike's page, it should be OK, and in any case, there was nothing I could do. After this, yast asked me to install about a dozen of other applications like gnome and whatnot, but by then I had seen through the fraud. I might add that I dont have internet at home so each download required a trip to university with a bunch of floppys. Also, installing files from floppy in the new yast is quite a nuisance, it used to be quite reasonable once upon a time. I have spent around 20 hours trying to get this crap to work, and it still doesn't, and then I haven't even started trying to get it to work in conjunctionwith an editor. I suppose it is all just a fraud, you are promised lots of funcionality, but in the end, you will never get it to work, so it's quite possible that it wasn't there in the first place. Seeing this is so, I won't ask you to help me install this, I will just switch to Windows and hope they won't hire any Suse staff to do their programming. Does anyone not think that this is ridiculous? How can anyone be so incredibly incompetent? Has anyone actually got scim to work?