Dear Mr. Fabian, due to a hard disk failure I had to set up my SuSE 8.2 from scratch, and now I feel like lost in the wilderness. 1. I set "en_US.UTF-8" in Yast2 as default and installed the Asian Fonts I thought necessary. The result was a system that had nice Western fonts and used a font like the one shown in your page "kinput2-canna-menu.html for Chinese and Japanese. It showed simplified and traditional characters in the right way, so I could read all my e-mails (kmail). Unfortunately I do not know the name of this font. Can you tell me its name? True type fonts were not yet installed at that time. 2. I additionally set "RC_LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.UTF-8" in /etc/sysconfig/language. Now I had Chinese input, but all the Western fonts were switched to a nearly unreadable courier font, which seems not even to be UTF-8. Do you know the name of this font, I had the impression it is called "Adobe-Courier". 3. Since I do not often need Chinese input, I decided to set back "RC_LC_CTYPE" in /etc/sysconfig/language and set up a user for Chinese input. To do this I added "export LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.UTF-8" to .profile. No visible reaction. Starting xcin in a terminal revealed that xcin was unhappy that "xcinrc" only referred to Big5. I tried to change xcinrc by changing all references to Big5 to UTF-8, but always got another error until I did no longer know what to change. I then changed to "export LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.Big5" and Chinese input worked. Do you have any idea why? 4. Since the "Chinese" user now had the unreadable font, I decided to install True-type fonts. For this I opened the Control Center and set the Font Installer to "administrator mode". Now there are only True type and Type 1 fonts usable. I could not find a way to use the others (I am using xfs). The worst is that now the non-Chinese user has automatically replaced the original Asian fonts in kmail with something else and the respective e-mails are no longer readable. The font substitution in "qtconfig" does not work properly and system update via "YOU" was not possible, since all servers I tried said did not have the files. Hoe can I get back the original Asian font? 5. During the system update "Acrobat Reader" was also updated. After the update it did not start any longer. I de-installed it, re-installed it and added LC_CTYPE=POSIX and export LC_CTYPE to the start script. After that it worked again. Best regards Ulrich Ruess