At Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:00:18 +0900 (JST), UTUMI Hirosi wrote:
--- Mike FABIAN <> wrote:
UTUMI Hirosi <> さんは書きました:
- enable uim-m17nlib.
This is disabled on purpose on request of Zhe Su <> (SCIM author) because scim-m17n is also available. scim-m17n works just fine and supporting m17n in uim as well is therefore not necessary and only makes it more confusing for beginners.
Then we should remove uim-anthy/uim-canna/uim-skk (or uim itself), because scim supports anthy/canna/skk.
We can remove scim-uim for Japanese, then UIM packages will be optional. Beginners will not be confused. (Mandriva's uim packages support m17nlib.)
I think scim-anthy and scim-uim-anthy will confuse beginners. scim-anthy is good enough for most users.
I agree to remove scim-uim from useability perspective, but then there would be people screaming about the regression on the latest version :)
SUSE installs scim-uim for the default Japanese input. I think scim-anthy is better.
No, scim-uim is not the only default Japanese input, *both* scim-uim *and* scim-anthy are installed by default.
SUSE 10.0 beta2 didn't install scim-anthy for Japanese. (Is it my mistake ?)
Might be. Anyway, it's already fixed on beta3. Takashi