Hi, scim-pinyin is currently focusing on Simplified Chinese support. scim-chewing is currently the right input method for Traditional Chinese. However I have long term plan to improve scim-pinyin to support both TC and SC. Regards James Su 在 2005-11-15二的 03:15 +0100,Tobias Burnus写道:
naively I'd expect that the hits using traditional Chinese and using simplified Chinese would be the same - except for the different character. But somehow the simplified version guesses quite well, which character I want whereas the traditional Chinese version does not.
Example: ren4shi (to know): a) Simplified: Typing "rensh" (or "renshi") suggest as first hit: 认识 b) Traditional: Typing "renshi" gives: 人士, 人事, 人世 and 人氏 and then comes the list of all "ren" hits followed by all "shi" hits; that way one can finally get 認識, but it takes much longer.
Can one improve the traditional version? Or do I do something wrong?
Tobias who is a novice in terms of Chinese