In response to the long-suffering Mike Fabian, primarily: In short, no change. Shift-Spacebar does nothing.
export XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" LANG=ja_JP LC_ALL=ja_JP kinput2 -xim -kinput -canna &
Sorry for the misunderstanding; I've commented these out (reinserted the "#").
Assuming that you didn't yet edit settings for LC_CTYPE or other locale related variables to your personal profiles, I suggest that you edit /etc/sysconfig/language and use the following values:
Done. (The previous settings were RC_LANG="en_GB", etc., so I've made some progress.)
Then run SuSEconfig and restart your X session.
SuSEconfig was another program I'd never heard of. After unsuccessfully looking for it, I gave up and simply ran it at the command line. It ran and seemed contented (no error message). Not knowing how to restart an X session, I restarted the computer. (Of course, via the "logout" menu option!)
Also check with qtconfig that you use "overthespot" input style as "onthespot" input style is still quite broken in Qt. See also:
This should be the default already, but better make sure.
I've made sure. (And it was the option.) Here's one idea. When I installed SuSE, I gratefully took the option to switch CapsLock and left-Ctrl. (I didn't ask for any other changes.) And this keyboard has a stupid Windows key (though I suppose that's common these days). Neither could have done anything to change the Shift-Space control, could it? (I wouldn't have thought so, but then I don't know what I'm doing.) More broadly, is it possible that I have Japanese input capability right now, but that it's via something other than Shift-Space? (I tried right-Shift-Space and that doesn't work either.) Alternatively, by rebooting the computer, have I merely restarted the previous (no-Japanese-input) X window session? I'd happily restart the X session if I knew how. (I did try opening a second session just now, but there too Shift-Space does nothing.)
Too true. (Yes, I can copy and paste very successfully. So my Japanese is limited to whatever I can plagiarize!)