Hello Friedrich, I had the same problem with japanese & german, here's how I got it fixed: In OpenOffice, go to Extras/Optionen/Schriftarten, activate "Ersetzungstabelle anwenden", choose Schriftart: Nimbus Sans, Ersetzen durch: Unifont (at least, these values worked for me). Click the green hook to activate the rule, it should now appear in the box below. You also have to select "Immer" and "Bildschirm". Also, under Extras/Optionen/Zugänglichkeit, deactivate the option called "Systemschriftart für die Benutzeroberfläche verwenden". Click "ok" and it should be fine. Marcel Boeing Am Mittwoch, 21. April 2004 09:11 schrieb Friedrich Dimmling:
when I start OO in a Chinese locale on my otherwise German SuSE 9.0 system, using
export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN (or zh_CN.UTF-8, or LANG=...., or similar)
I can input Chinese characters using SCIM, but the file dialog of OO (Open etc) does not handle file or directory names containing German umlaut characters. Such names are not recognized as pertaining to OO files or to directories.
Any help?
Friedrich -- Friedrich Dimmling, Berlin, Germany