--- Mike FABIAN <mfabian@suse.de> からのメッセージ:
hisha <dmtaisaku@yahoo.co.jp> さんは書きました:
lyx-cjk-1.3.5-3 does not allow for kanji input in the main window. I tried this after starting kinput2 -canna& LANG=ja_JP LC_XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" lyx-cjk I can see japanese text, e.g. the splash.lyx file. I can input Japanese if I open the "find" dialog, or in the lower bar, the minibuffer, and even copy and paste the result into the main window, but NOT enter Japanese directly. This worked still fine with SUSE 9.1.
This is a known problem, but unfortunately no good solution is known yet.
The problem is caused by the qt-immodule patch. SuSE Linux 9.1 didn't yet have that patch, therefore the Qt version of CJK-LyX worked in SuSE Linux 9.1.
See also:
The bug report at the lyx bugzilla has been closed as FIXED, I'll check whether the patches from that bugreport can be used to fix the problem in CJK-LyX as well:
As a temporary workaround you can use the cjk-lyx and xforms packages from SuSE Linux 9.0 on SuSE Linux 9.3. SuSE Linux 9.0 was the version of SuSE Linux where the cjk-lyx package still used xforms and not Qt. xforms was dropped in later versions of SuSE Linux and cjk-lyx was built against Qt. This worked in SuSE Linux 9.1, but has been broken by the qt-immodule patch since SuSE Linux 9.2.
As soon as I have a solution, I'll update the cjk-lyx package for SuSE Linux 9.3.
-- Mike FABIAN <mfabian@suse.de> http://www.suse.de/~mfabian 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。
Yes, that would help me a lot. Why, I am using cjk-lyx every day. It is really the best software for scientific writing in Japanese. Even 300+ pages documents with all kinds of cross references and figures work out perfectly, and fast. Of course, I tried to install my old SUSE8.2 cjk-lyx-1.3.2-72 together with xforms. The Japanese works there all right. However, in SUSE 9.1 as well in 9.3 I get weird (too large) boxes around \int or \sum symbols in math, or any other symbol from the math panel's "sum" / "integral" sub-panel. So any equation is hideously distorted, if only one of these symbols is appearing (The compiled dvi, ps or pdf works still fine, so it is not a latex problem). Actually, I even do not get all the symbols inside the math panel popup disaplayed if I use the SUSE 9.0 version of xforms (with or without extension), or any other SUSE version I tried, but only if I use the xforms-1.0-i18n_7.i386.rpm from the cjk-lyx ftp server. This (smaller) problem I faced in SUSE 8.2, 9.1 and 9.3 . Regrettably, while with the xforms-1.0-i18n_7.i386.rpm all symbols IN the math panel popup window appear correctly, in the MAIN WINDOW the sum/integral symbols appear distorted, no matter which version of xforms I use. On my old SUSE 8.2 the above cjk-lyx+xforms worked perfectly. So there must be some inconsistency from SUSE 9.1 (or 9.0?) on. As I can guess that just installing an earlier version of qt causes more new problems then it fixes, I am happy to wait a few weeks if you really can fix the much more beautiful qt version of cjk-lyx. Kind regards, Hisha __________________________________ Save the earth http://pr.mail.yahoo.co.jp/ondanka/