Hello, (SuSE 8.2 on Compaq Presario 2100) My problem probably has an easy solution, but I can't understand it. First of all, I noticed (in Kontrol Center) that Keyboard Layouts have been moved from 'Peripherals' to 'Regional'. As in 2 earlier version, I set as following: Primary layout: sr (serbian) Primary variant: basic (only possible) Additional layouts: sr (only, without default 'us') Group Shift/Lock behaviour: Left Win key changes group In earlier versions, I had a small 'sr' flag. By default, it meant 'us' keyboard. When I press Left-Win, I got 'sr' cyrillic keyboard. Now it doesn't work. 'sr' in the corner means _only_ cyrillic keyboard. For common us keyboard I have to add 'us' layout ; it's not good because I can't switch between layouts so fast. What's wrong? Nikola