Friedrich Dimmling <> さんは書きました:
when I start OO in a Chinese locale on my otherwise German SuSE 9.0 system, using
export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN (or zh_CN.UTF-8, or LANG=...., or similar)
I can input Chinese characters using SCIM, but the file dialog of OO (Open etc) does not handle file or directory names containing German umlaut characters. Such names are not recognized as pertaining to OO files or to directories.
You need to do the following: 1) use only UTF-8, i.e. use zh_CN.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8. Do *not* use any non-UTF-8 locales like zh_CN or de_DE@euro. 2) convert the names of your files containing German umlauts to UTF-8. You can use the "convmv" script for that (convmv is included in your SuSE 9.0 CD/DVD set). See also 3) use a font for the user interface of OpenOffice which has both German Umlauts and Chinese. You can do this as follows. Edit the file /opt/ Look for the fonts specified for "UI_SANS". There are several occurences of "UI_SANS" in that file, edit the one which is in the node for the language you are using for the user interface. For example, if you use simplified Chinese for the user interface: <node oor:name="zh-cn" oor:op="replace"> ... <prop oor:name="UI_SANS" oor:op="replace" oor:type="xs:string"> <value>Andale Sans UI;ZYSong18030;AR PL SungtiL GB;AR PL KaitiM GB;SimSun;Arial Unicode MS;Fangsong;Hei;Song;Kai;Ming;gnu-unifont;Interface User;WarpSans;Geneva;Tahoma;MS Sans Serif;Helv;Dialog;Albany;Albany AMT;Lucida;Helvetica;Charcoal;Chicago;Arial;Nimbus Sans L;Helmet;Interface System;Sans Serif</value> </prop> ... </node> Move a font which has all characters you need to the front of the list, e.g.: <node oor:name="zh-cn" oor:op="replace"> ... <prop oor:name="UI_SANS" oor:op="replace" oor:type="xs:string"> <value>Bitstream Cyberbit;Arial Unicode MS;</value> </prop> ... </node> Of course you need such a font like "Bitstream Cyberbit" or "Arial Unicode MS". I don't know any free font which has both Chinese and German Umlauts. -- Mike FABIAN <> 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。