Mike Fa Mike Fabian patiently suggests:
insserv -d canna
(also as root).
Done. And, when I reboot, I see that Canna starts up.
See the file ~/.xim. Also XMODIFIERS will be set correctly automatically then.
I opened it and skimread it. (Gosh, I can actually understand some of it.) Toward the end, it now says: export XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" LANG=ja_JP LC_ALL=ja_JP kinput2 -xim -kinput -canna & (unless I've made a typo there) -- I carefully deleted the "#" at the start of each line but made no other change whatever, and saved. I rebooted. No Japanese. (Well, I can still read it, but I still can't create it.)
Did you get a popup window showing a hiragana a [あ] after typing Shift-Space? If not, Japanese input is not active in your konqueror, probably because you didn't start Konqueror in the right environment.
No popup window. Not in Konqueror, not in Mozilla-as-browser, not in Mozilla-as-mail-client. (Interestingly, Shift-Space does nothing whatever in Mozilla-as-browser, but inserts a space in Konqueror and Mozilla-as-mail-client.)
Also check with qtconfig that you use "overthespot" input style as "onthespot" input style is still quite broken in Qt. See also:
This should be the default already, but better make sure.
I have to admit that I haven't yet looked in qtconfig, partly because that would require another search through the indexes of my reference books, partly as I'd expect to see *something* pop up when I press Shift-Space. Oh, sorry for another stupid, m17n-irrelevant question, but while I understand how to use "su" for temporarily giving myself root privileges, I don't understand how to reverse this. *Linux in a Nutshell* doesn't give any such option, but implausibly says "Enter EOF to terminate". Uh-huh, so I try: EOF command not found eof command not found su EOF user EOF does not exist Yeah, well, somehow I didn't believe that bit about "EOF" anyway. "man su" tells me nothing of use. "info su" has a most interesting little rant at the end, but it too tells me nothing of use. Hmm . . . the only way I know to shed my root superpowers is to log off and back on again. And that strikes me as ridiculous!