Hello, I would like to form and coordinate Georgian (ka) l10n team to support Georgian language support on SUSE Linux. Georgian is spoken in Georgia (Caucasus) and in some regions of other countries. It is a unicode-only language which uses its own alphabeth (one of the oldest, 33 letters, LTR). The language belongs to Caucasian family of languages. I have been supporting FOSS products and coordinating various Georgian l10n projects for years. Some of my projects can be found at http://www.Gakartuleba.org On the site, we use Marani tool, which helps with online Glossary creation and management, as well as a tool for online translations. I would very much appreciate your letting me know the steps required to form the official SUSE Georgian l10n team and start l10n right away. I would also like to provide SUSE Linux with seth of freely distributable Georgian scalable, professionally delta-hinted truetype fonts, which are produced by BPG Info-Tech, the leading vendor of Georgian typefaces. It would be nice if theese fonts could default for Georgian language. I would also appreciate your tips how we could enrich the locale or any language-related data on the distribution. Best regards, Aiet Kolkhi http://www.Gakartuleba.org