Sorry, I will use the mailing list!
You mean
export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM emacs &
and then "Control+Space" doesn't work? Works >fine for me and many others. On SuSE 9.1, SLES9 and on the current >development version of SuSE.
Thanks, I think that I have tried exactly that, but I am not sure, I will try it when I get home (no internet at home). I seem to remember that I should change my .xim though, which I am not quite competent to do. It's not clear though how I choose language and and then variety (traditional).
PS Is it my imagination or does suse get worse for each release, in terms of CJK handling?
It's your imagination. A lot has been improved for CJK in SuSE 9.1. Really.
Oh, I didn't mean that it was your fault, and I agree that utf was badly needed. Also, it certainly is more integrated now, I was just missing those packages, and the "j" directory on ftp that made it easy to find them afterwards.
We have a much more packages than will fit on the CDs and the people creating the CDs always have to find a good compromise.
That was what I suspected. So is there no way to get those other packages, excepting the CJK from your site? I will download the missing packages, and the new scim. thank you.
If you still miss something, just tell me, I'll upload it.
One thing I have missed is CEDICT and CCDICT, the Chinese equivalents of Edict, though they've never been in SUSE, as far as I know. They have been part of Debian and can also be downloaded, but I suppose not everyone is aware of there existence. What I really miss most is kpackage, I think its name was, I much better tool for installing downloaded packages than YAST2, that simply doesn't work on my system, it refuses to find files on the HD, it complains that they are not on the DVD eventhough I chose an RPM from the HD. Thank you, Gustaf