"felix ulmer" <felix.ulmer@uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
cjk-lyx just won´t start. using the debug command I can see, that it stops at "initialising GUI".
Did Gerhard Schuck's hint to install xdevel.rpm help?
I tried it on another machine cjk-lyx had the same problem, but than suddenly it worked. So I installed xcin, which works pretty well with chinese. But when I insert characters, it will not display them. there is just some 24bit charakter output. It won´t print as well.
I can't reproduce that problem. Did you setup the fonts as described in http://www.suse.de/~mfabian/suse-cjk/cjk-lyx-chinese-big5.html ?
I am using the arphic fonts. I tried to convert them to T1 but that did not work.
How did you try to convert them to T1? The easiest way to create Type1 versions of these fonts for use with CJK-LaTeX is to use my /usr/sbin/cjk-latex-config script. Just call it like cjk-latex-config --type1 as root and it will create Type1 versions of the fonts which will be used by dvips and by pdflatex. Using Type1 fonts in the PostScript files and in the .pdf files has the advantage that they scale better, i.e. even at very high zoom levels they look nice. When .pk fonts are used you will see the pixels of the bitmaps at high zoom levels. This is also quite visible when you use something like \scalebox{5}{... text ...} in your .tex files. On top of that, .pdf files containing .pk fonts cannot be displayed correctly by xpdf, but when Type1 fonts are used xpdf can display them correctly without problems. The use of Type1 fonts for PostScript and .pdf doesn't influence the screen display of cjk-lyx though, the fonts used for display on screen are selected only in ~/.lyx-cjk/lyxrc. -- Mike Fabian <mfabian@suse.de> http://www.suse.de/~mfabian 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。