18 Sep
18 Sep
Great! It works! James Su wrote:
try export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim before starting acroread.
I made ~/bin/acroread as follows. #!/bin/sh export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim /usr/local/bin/acroread Then, I can start AdobeReader. Thank you for your suggestion, Mr.Su! But still I have a problem. As a Firefox plugin, it doesn't work well. When I open PDF files by Firefox, It stands up another window of AdobeReader (not in the browser window) and displays nothing. Of cource, there is a nppdf.so in Firefox plugin directory. Is there anyone who has an idea? -- □●□ _/_/_/ To be Happy! _/_/_/ □□● _/_/ Satoru Matsumoto _/_/ ●●● _/ helios_reds@gmx.net _/