Since successfully Japanesizing my SuSE 8.2 personal system (thank you, all!), I've noticed a new problem. Suppose I go to the box in which I've typed "phantom characters" (the title of this message), move the cursor to the front, and delete the initial "p" (perhaps because I want to change it to "P"). The other 18 characters -- including the space, and sorry if I've miscounted -- would be expected to move slightly to the left: hantom characters That's what would have happened last week. But now, it wouldn't happen; instead I'd see: hantom characterss Indeed, if I left my finger on the Del key, I'd read racterssssssssssss etc. Now, my growing-fast-but-still-minuscule knowledge of Linux tells me that Del and Backspace don't work in (say) bash as they might on the MS-DOS command line to which I'm accustomed. Fair enough. But why should the addition of Japanese make this change to Mozilla? More widely, text input works fine in some places -- e.g. the message box of Mozilla; I have no trouble revising what I am writing *here* -- and not others, where the text-input vertical-line cursor seems not to be placed quite correctly. If this is a known bug somewhere, tell me and I'll learn to live with it. I'm asking because I suspect that it's a well known fact that XXX should be set to YYY whereas my XXX is probably set to ZZZ; and I'm asking here because (a) the change does seem to be Japanesification-related, and (b) you're such nice people :-)