Hello, I already had put all the Type1 fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1, one by one, but it doesn't work. I put a few fonts in ~/.fonts too, but that doesn't work either. Mike, you mentioned that is a way of testing, so the test is negative. Can there be files that "disturb" fonts or something, or files that are needed together with fonts? The full package content is there. Are the extensions right? I see two main extensions: {font}.afm and {font}.pfa, and there are files like local.conf and so on. Should I get rid of, or change, the usr/share/fonts/he/Type1/ directory, could that stand in the way of something? The mystery is not that it does not work; I wonder why it did work before, and now doesn't. Maybe I got bugged? Regards, Herman