i try to develop a programm with qt. For some messages in my programm i want to use html pages. Can someone explain me how to convert english or german html
pages to kanna or kanji?
The English or German has to be translated into Japanese. Pretty obviously, you'll need one or more translators to do this. There are several ways of encoding Japanese. I don't think that any one of them has compelling advantages over any of the others. What's important is that you can't mix more than one on the same page. (However, it is easy to convert between them.) Decide which *one* you're going to use -- euc-jp, for example. It may not be necessary to specify the charset, but if you do specify the so-called "charset" (encoding system), make sure that the specification is correct. I suggest that you don't attempt to specify the font, other perhaps than in CSS by "serif" or "sans-serif" (which, by convention, have different but somewhat analogous meanings in Japanese). If you now specify lang="en", xml:lang="de" or whatever, in the <html> tag, change this to "ja". I think that's about it.