Re: [Lxde-list] Is it acceptable to add even more new strings to PCManFM at this time?

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 for me, do it Andrea Il 25/04/2010 07:10, PCMan ha scritto:
Hi list, I found yet another issue with current PCManFM last night. Names of some menu items are not self-explainatory enough. It's not easy for beginners to figure out what the menu items do. I just learned how to add tooltips for menu items and show them in status bar. If we can add proper tooltips for menu items, this can greatly improve usability. I know we're in string freeze, but is it acceptable to add even more new strings to PCManFM at this time? The number of strings that needed to be added is about 30 ~ 40. This is quite important for usability. Since currently PCManFM is still in beta and its quality didn't meet the requirements of a stable release, we won't have a stable release or release candidate very soon. So we still have time to finish all the translation prior to final release.
Opinions from translators? If you guys allow me to do so, I'll add them later and inform you on the mailing list when I've done it. Otherwise, I'll leave them in a git branch. But I'm a little bit worry about git branch because it doesn't seem to work well with some translation systems and there might be conflicts in the future. If these new strings are not going to be added this time, I'll release pcmanfm 0.9.5 in about two days.
Anyways, I want to know what you think. So translations please share your ideas with me. Thanks!
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Andrea Florio