The less avilable the better. I think most people that will use LXDE want a minimal OS and not something like xubuntu. Abiword and Gnumeric: Abiword is GREAT and it is very functional. I really prefer it over OpenOffice. Gnumeric: Works and gets the job done. I feel that if a person needs more then these two they will know enough to zypper in Open Office themselves. I would much rather have the option of installing Open Office then it being installed when I don't want it on my older LXDE computer. Epdfview: I prefer Epdfview to any other light weight viewers. Mail Client: Personally I haven't used one for years. I find that they are to slow and can cause issues when you use more then one computer. I prefer web gui. Gnucash: I would say not to install a program that most people would not use. I personally use a spreadsheet and mint.com. On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Andrea Florio <andrea@opensuse.org> wrote:
Hi people i have a question for you:
what kind of office software should lxde provide on default 11.3 installation?
*Word processing/spreadsheet & co.*
OpenOffice.org (the best Office application but definetly not lightweight). XFCE suggest to install it
Abiword and Gnumeric (never used before so i don't know how good they are now, but they _ARE_ lightweight)
epdfview (imho better) or xpdf
*Mail client*
i have no idea what provide here..
should we provide gnucash? probably too many gnome dependencies?
Regards Andrea Florio
- -- - ------------------------------------------ Andrea Florio QSI International School of Brindisi Sys Admin CISCO CCNA Certified openSUSE-Education Administrator openSUSE Official Member (anubisg1) Email: andrea@opensuse.org Packman Packaging Team Email: andrea@links2linux.de Web: http://packman.links2linux.org/ Cell: +39-328-7365667 - ------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
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