[opensuse-kubic] New ARM Kubic snapshot 20200102 released!
Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=kubic&groupid=3&version=Tumbleweed&build=20200102 https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/buglist.cgi?product=openSUSE%20Tumbleweed&component=Kubic&query_format=advanced&resolution=--- Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on bugzilla.opensuse.org. For more information on filing bugs please see https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports Packages changed: python-more-itertools (7.2.0 -> 8.0.2) vim (8.2.0000 -> 8.2.0063) === Details === ==== python-more-itertools ==== Version update (7.2.0 -> 8.0.2) - update to 8.0.2: * Bug fixes * The type stub files are now part of the wheel distribution (thanks to keisheiled) * The type stub files now work for functions imported from the root package (thanks to keisheiled) * New itertools and other additions * This library now ships type hints for use with mypy. (thanks to ilai-deutel for the implementation, and to gabbard and fmagin for assistance) * :func:`split_when` (thanks to jferard) * :func:`repeat_last` (thanks to d-ryzhikov) * Changes to existing itertools: * The implementation for :func:`set_partitions` was improved. (thanks to jferard) * :func:`partition` was optimized for expensive predicates. (thanks to stevecj) * :func:`unique_everseen` and :func:`groupby_transform` were re-factored. (thanks to SergBobrovsky) * The implementation for :func:`difference` was improved. (thanks to Jabbey92) ==== vim ==== Version update (8.2.0000 -> 8.2.0063) - Updated to version 8.2.0063, fixes the following problems * #endif comments do not reflect corresponding #ifdef. * "dj" only deletes first line of closed fold. * Build file dependencies are incomplete. * Get E685 and E931 if buffer reload is interrupted. * Duplication in version info. * Test using long file name may fail. (Vladimir Lomov) * Popup menu positioned wrong with folding in two tabs. * Test72 is old style. * Test64 is old style. * Screen updating wrong when opening preview window. * Some undo functionality is not tested. * Not using a typedef for condstack. * Test69 and test95 are old style. * Not all modeline variants are tested. * Test name used twice, option not restored properly. * :join does not add white space where it should. (Zdenek Dohnal) * Cannot get number of lines of another buffer. * Mouse clicks in the command line not tested. * Click in popup window doesn't close it in the GUI. (Sergey Vlasov) * Command line editing not sufficiently tested. * Filetype Rego not recognized. * Repeated word in comment. * Still some /* */ comments. * Searchpairpos() is not tested. * "gF" does not work on output of "verbose command". * Crash when make_extmatch() runs out of memory. * Missing check for out of memory. * Saving and restoring called_emsg is clumsy. * Not enough test coverage for match functions. * Missing renamed message. * Spell suggestions insufficiently tested. * Memory access error when "z=" has no suggestions. * Timers test is still flaky on Travis for Mac. * Leaking memory when selecting spell suggestion. * Clearing funccal values twice. * Timers test is still flaky on Travis for Mac. * Expression type is used inconsistently. * Script test fails. * Tests for spell suggestions are slow. * Another timers test is flaky on Travis for Mac. * Command line completion not fully tested. * After deleting a file mark it is still in viminfo. * Command line completion test skipped. (Christian Brabandt) * More-prompt not properly tested. * windowsversion() does not always return the right value. * :diffget and :diffput don't have good completion. * Cannot use ":gui" in vimrc with VIMDLL enabled. * Execution stack is incomplete and inefficient. * Cannot build with small features. * Running tests changes ~/.viminfo. * Compiler warnings for unused variables in small build. (Tony Mechelynck) * Message test only runs with one encoding. (Dominique Pelle) * The execute stack can grow big and never shrinks. * Wrong size argument to vim_snprintf(). (Dominique Pelle) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-kubic+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-kubic+owner@opensuse.org
participants (1)
Guillaume Gardet