On Tue, 2022-03-22 at 16:01 +0100, Richard Brown wrote:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2022 at 15:54, Olav Reinert <seroton10@gmail.com> wrote:
I have installed a fresh "Kubic Admin Node" in a VM using the latest openSUSE-Kubic-DVD-x86_64-Snapshot20220320-Media.iso image.
Continuing with the instructions at
I run "kubeadm init", and it seems to work fine, so I continue with setting up the network plugin
master:~ # mkdir .kube master:~ # cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf .kube/config master:~ # kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION master NotReady control-plane,master 25m v1.23.4 master:~ # kubectl apply -f /usr/share/k8s-yaml/weave/weave.yaml serviceaccount/weave-net created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/weave-net created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/weave-net created role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/weave-net created rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/weave-net created daemonset.apps/weave-net created master:~ #
After this, it starts crash-looping, seemingly trying to start a pod named kube-system_coredns.
In the following system log, the kubic admin VM starts up, and goes through the steps listed above, after which the crash loop starts:
Does anyone have an idea what's going on here?
The attached log shows no sign of anything related to coredns (can't find any mention of coredns at all)
Can you produce a lot that shows what you're seeing in regards to the crash loop so I can look into it?
$ kubectl -n kube-system logs weave-net-krxcx -c weave-init modprobe: can't load module nfnetlink (kernel/net/netfilter/nfnetlink.ko.zst): invalid module format Ignore the error if "xt_set" is built-in in the kernel So this is a duplicate of the issue reported by Attila Pinter, and idenfitied by Robert Munteau, in a separate email thread. Starting over from an older Kubic image solved it for me (for now).