24 Oct
24 Oct
Op 24-10-12 17:05, Oddball schreef: Please, excuse my many 'spam'like postings... As i have to go to Ghana soon, i want to have my 3G modem working. Internet connections are very poor there, and this way i can go online everywhere. (but i can always use the other os (W7) to get online, but if possible, i would rather not to... Well, it did not work still. The installer looks at a place that does not exist. I would create the dir en (temporary) copy the files to the dir it looks in, if i knew where they were/are. -- Have a nice day, Oddball. OS: Linux 3.7.0-rc2-1-desktop i686 Huidige gebruiker: oddball@EeePc-Rob-SFN9 Systeem: openSUSE 12.2 (i586) KDE: 4.8.5 (4.8.5) "release 2"