Please fill up with your knowledge
I posted this to SLE by mistake, and am reposting to SKDE, not having got much of a response on SLE and hence wondering if it reached its target audience. People who subscribe to both please forgive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All right, guys: This new thread is a propos issues raised in the "Latest KDE disables graphical login as root?" thread. I think that if there are questions that newbies like me repeatedly ask, the knowledgeable techies around here should save themselves both the trouble of: 1. retyping oft-typed sentences or paragraph (for the patient ones) 2. getting irritated at the naivete of the newbies (for the impatient ones). The solution, use your excellent knowledge to fill up the webserver of As a small step in this direction (and that too from an ignorant rookie like me), I have created an article on the topic of "security issues with logging into X-Windows as root" at: If Wikipedia is such an excellent encyclopaedic trove of the knowledge of the world, why don't you gurus of the SuSE distro-queen (or king) pour your knowledge into and make it the biggest repository of SuSE (maybe even Linux) knowledge? Heck, you can beat Micro$oft's "Know-falling-off-the-ledge Base" anytime, seeing as half of M$'s KB is about bugs and security issues and we already have Bugzilla to address that! If a simpleton like me can do it, you people of well developed frontal lobes can certainly do the same. :) I trust this action meets with the approval of all the good people here. -- Shriramana Sharma
Op vrijdag 12 augustus 2005 12:52, schreef Shriramana Sharma:
your article is very much appreciated. If you would make a seperate page you would be to track how many times the pages is actually read: -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless
Op vrijdag 12 augustus 2005 12:52, schreef Shriramana Sharma:
your article is very much appreciated. If you would make a seperate page you would be to track how many times the pages is actually read: -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless
participants (3)
C. Richard Matson
Richard Bos
Shriramana Sharma