I just installed version 9.0 pro on my home box and have 8.2 pro on a machine at work. When I installed both, I opted for full KDE. On version 8.2 you get 3.1.1 and on V.9 you get 3.1.4. I want to play around with the CVS versions without upsetting the system. I followed advice on the KDE site at http://developer.kde.org/build/build2ver.html This tells you how to go about building a second version. I created an additional user and have even compiled a version within that user. However, I am struggling to get it operational. There is a hint within the above page about not using '/etc/ld.so.conf for KDE or Qt as this is a system wide configuration file'. Also there is advice about setting QTDIR and some other variables. The problem is that the Startkde script contains unset commands to unset these variables. Has anyone got a dual KDE system working? If so, help would be greatly appreciated.
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