Hallo, das KDE-Team hat nun offiziell die 3.1.4er Release angekünigt. Gibt es dazu schon SuSE-RPMs? Weder auf ftp.suse.com noch auf ftp.gwdg.de habe ich unter supplementary welche gefunden :-(( Chris -- Christoph Dohmen ChDohmen@gmx.de

Am Mittwoch, 17. September 2003 11:15 schrieb Christoph Dohmen:
das KDE-Team hat nun offiziell die 3.1.4er Release angekünigt. Gibt es dazu schon SuSE-RPMs? Weder auf ftp.suse.com noch auf ftp.gwdg.de habe ich unter supplementary welche gefunden :-((
Ich auch noch NICHT. Wann kommen die? Security Alert! Gruß Dieter -- Dieter Nützel Graduate Student, Computer Science

It would be more polite not to speak your native language because this is an English list. Thanks. On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Dieter [iso-8859-15] N?tzel wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 17. September 2003 11:15 schrieb Christoph Dohmen:
das KDE-Team hat nun offiziell die 3.1.4er Release angek?nigt. Gibt es dazu schon SuSE-RPMs? Weder auf ftp.suse.com noch auf ftp.gwdg.de habe ich unter supplementary welche gefunden :-((
Ich auch noch NICHT.
Wann kommen die?
Security Alert!
Gru? Dieter
-- Dieter N?tzel Graduate Student, Computer Science
-- To unsubscribe, email: suse-kde-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, email: suse-kde-help@suse.com Please do not cross-post to suse-linux-e

Am Samstag, 20. September 2003 18:06 schrieb Filippos Papadopoulos:
It would be more polite not to speak your native language because this is an English list. Thanks.
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Dieter [iso-8859-15] N?tzel wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 17. September 2003 11:15 schrieb Christoph Dohmen:
das KDE-Team hat nun offiziell die 3.1.4er Release angek?nigt. Gibt es dazu schon SuSE-RPMs? Weder auf ftp.suse.com noch auf ftp.gwdg.de habe ich unter supplementary welche gefunden :-((
Ich auch noch NICHT.
Wann kommen die?
Security Alert!
-- Dieter N?tzel
!!! It would be more "polite" to _write_ with international letters? You "see" what I mean? Greetings, Dieter -- Dieter Nützel Graduate Student, Computer Science

Am Mittwoch, 17. September 2003 11:15 schrieb Christoph Dohmen: Sorry everyone, to do it quite short, I posted to the wrong list! I know that this is an english list with lot of 'not german speaking' people and usually I posted in english. And because I do not want to start / continue a flamewar, I stop here! Chris -- Christoph Dohmen ChDohmen@gmx.de

On Monday 22 September 2003 10:10, Christoph Dohmen wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 17. September 2003 11:15 schrieb Christoph Dohmen:
Sorry everyone, to do it quite short, I posted to the wrong list! I know that this is an english list with lot of 'not german speaking' people and usually I posted in english. And because I do not want to start / continue a flamewar, I stop here!
Chris -- Christoph Dohmen ChDohmen@gmx.de
Thank you, Chris and Michael Eichstädt and all other guys posting common sense and nice lines. I want to reassure you that my stand was not at all against German speakers, a little about using a language different that the one recommended for the list but a lot against an arrogant answer to a polite request. I would have not said anything if a sarcastic and arrogant message would have not been posted. Personally, I am an admirer of German language and none of my lines were directed against it. I am happy to see good reason and common sense prevailing! Thank you, /radu

Just to get back to the topic: I'm just updating my KDE 3.1.3 / SuSE 8.2 to KDE 3.1.4 by way of apt-get (apt4rpm). So the packages ARE somewhere ;-) Regards Markus -- If your god is dead, try one of mine!

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Markus Kohli wrote:
Just to get back to the topic:
I'm just updating my KDE 3.1.3 / SuSE 8.2 to KDE 3.1.4 by way of apt-get (apt4rpm).
So the packages ARE somewhere ;-)
-- If your god is dead, try one of mine!
-- To unsubscribe, email: suse-kde-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, email: suse-kde-help@suse.com Please do not cross-post to suse-linux-e
I see that the 3.1.4 packages are under ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_8.2/base but the main problem is that kdelibs3.1.4 requires qt3.2.1. By now only qt3.1.2 is available :(

Am Donnerstag, 25. September 2003 15:50 schrieb Filippos Papadopoulos:
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Markus Kohli wrote:
Just to get back to the topic:
I'm just updating my KDE 3.1.3 / SuSE 8.2 to KDE 3.1.4 by way of apt-get (apt4rpm).
So the packages ARE somewhere ;-)
-- If your god is dead, try one of mine!
-- To unsubscribe, email: suse-kde-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, email: suse-kde-help@suse.com Please do not cross-post to suse-linux-e
I see that the 3.1.4 packages are under ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_8.2/base but the main problem is that kdelibs3.1.4 requires qt3.2.1. By now only qt3.1.2 is available :(
Its not even on ftp.suse.com :(( bye, MH -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und 823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt! gpg key fingerprint: 5F64 4C92 9B77 DE37 D184 C5F9 B013 44E7 27BD 763C

They are dated yesterday... Not soooo fresh any more. They could cool down in between. :) Am 25.09.2003 schrieb admin@eregion.de:
Those are really fresh ;) hadnt been there when I wrote the previous mail ;)

Sure. They are in the supplementary tree since yesterday. But since qt3-3.2.1 is missing for SuSE 8.2 this is not fully satisfying, because the kde rpms depend on this. It might work with qt3-3.1.2 too, but I don't want to swear to that. There might be drawbacks like the fixed-width But s.o. can use the qt3-3.2.1-23.src.rpm from the source dir for SuSE 8.1 and rebuild. After that 3.1.4 installs without dependency problems and runs fine. :) Greets, Daniel Am 25.09.2003 schrieb kohli@webdeko.com:
Just to get back to the topic:
I'm just updating my KDE 3.1.3 / SuSE 8.2 to KDE 3.1.4 by way of apt-get (apt4rpm).
So the packages ARE somewhere ;-)
-- If your god is dead, try one of mine!
-- To unsubscribe, email: suse-kde-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, email: suse-kde-help@suse.com Please do not cross-post to suse-linux-e
participants (7)
Christoph Dohmen
Daniel Eckl
Dieter Nützel
Filippos Papadopoulos
Markus Kohli
Mathias Homann
Radu Pirvu