Re: [opensuse-kde] kde 4.6, major issues
Yep that's how I did it when I did zypper dup, did it to the specific repo for kde46, my bad should have mention that. Going to try this on my second computer over next few days, using zypper dup -r Thanks, Tony On 02/01/2011 03:05 PM, Kernel Linux wrote:
FYI zypper dup = distribution upgrade, and it will upgrade every package to the highest version available
In your case the zypper upgrade method should have been
zypper dup -r <repo number> or zypper dup -r <repo name>
so if kdeR46 was repo 5 and called kde46, you would do either
zypper dup -r 5 or zypper dup -r kde46
Best regards
Carl Fletcher
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Tony < <>> wrote:
Happy to report, that I have kde 4.6.x running on my one of my 2 computers. I still have to use the Nvidia 256.53 driver, updating to the Nvidia 260.19.36 brings the dreaded floating point error, for now keep the Nvidia 256.53 driver, when I have time will try the nouveau driver, just to see if it works. But still need the nvidia, for 3d stuff.
Per your suggestion I tried the switch in yast, and it worked. Basically I re-added the following repos
and did the switch option, had to resolve some dependency issues related to aqbanking and kymoney.
One other item i ran into is the power managment lost all the profiles on first start of kde 4.6, So logged out then deleted the file /home/user/.kde4/share/config/powerdevil.notifyrc, logged back in all power profiles back :)
For whatever reasons zypper up / zypper dup did not work for 2 computers for me upgrading to kde 4.6
I'm a cli type of person, so prefer zypper but in this case for what ever reason I had issues.
Thanks for the tip
On 02/01/2011 09:48 AM, Kernel Linux wrote:
Post your repo list:
zypper lr -d
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