multi-select in konqueror (kde 3.3.0) not working

Hi, Have been upgrading KDE via apt to the leatest offered version but the problem is persistent in all 3.3.0 versions on bth my 9.0 and 9.1 system. When i select more than one file (multi-select) and try to drag them to another folder the system deselects al files and just picks the one that was active. This happens in the 'detailed list view' and the 'tree view' (thjat i like the most) but not in the 'text view' (but this becomes unresponsive sometimes) and the 'icon view'. This is something i do very often but i see no mention of it in any list until sofar. What i can find is a similar closed bug ( but this was KDE 3.1.0. Are there other victims? Is it just me? Solutions? Thanks, Peter Vollebregt

I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce... Nor with detailled list view neither with tree view or any other view mode. Running SuSE 9.1, Xorg 6.8.1, KDE 3.3.0 (kdebase3-3.3.0-15) Just because it's fun: Can you add another new user to your system and try again with this one? This way you can check if it's a user setting which is causing this bug. Greets, Daniel Am Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2004 13:25 schrieb
Have been upgrading KDE via apt to the leatest offered version but the problem is persistent in all 3.3.0 versions on bth my 9.0 and 9.1 system.
When i select more than one file (multi-select) and try to drag them to another folder the system deselects al files and just picks the one that was active.
This happens in the 'detailed list view' and the 'tree view' (thjat i like the most) but not in the 'text view' (but this becomes unresponsive sometimes) and the 'icon view'.
This is something i do very often but i see no mention of it in any list until sofar. What i can find is a similar closed bug ( but this was KDE 3.1.0.
Are there other victims? Is it just me? Solutions?
Thanks, Peter Vollebregt
participants (2)
Daniel Eckl