HELP: How to reset konqueror configuration without removing entirely .kde directory
Dear all, after my latest upgrade to KDE 3.3 on SuSE 9.0 (via red-carpet) Konqueror has a serious problem: whenever I'm accessing to a web site, it stops responding, Linux it is starting to access to my disk very intensively and in less than a minute the whole PC is stop responding (even if it continues to read from the disk) and I have to switch off the PC manually (Nor CTR-ALT-BACKSPACE, nor CTR-ALT-DEL work anymore). This is happening with very simple web site like google: when I do a search and later I try to modify it, the problem happens. I investigated a bit more and I found out that konqueror crashes only under a specific user account account. If from that account i just run the command "sux -c 'konqueror' - otheruser". Konqueror works perfectly. For this reason I now think that the issue is related to something in the .kde directory.. am I right? How can I cancel the Konqueror configuration only without removing the whole .kde directory? What exactly shall I cancell? The reason I don't want to remove the .kde directory is that I don't want to lose my kwallet passwords, the KDE menus & configuration, file associations, etc. Can you help me? Thanks a lot & regards, Timur ADDITIONAL INFO ON MY BUG for those interested in: By using top I realize that the freeze is related to a swap file filling process which doesn't stop even if I exit from KDE. Infact whenever I realize that the system is near to freeze (only konqueror uis frozen) and I do an init 3 command, KDE is closed, but the system freeze anyway after some seconds. _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!
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