Germany is irrelevant.
Anyone who wants to sell SuSE editions in Germany will have to stick to KDE. As far as German is concerned - there's a very good localisation. Germans don't like programs partly or totally in other languages. That's why most of them like KDE. And what's even more important: the government likes KDE. They support some projects concerning groupware and security (Kolab, Ägypten) Does anybody expect them to buy an edition prefering Gnome? The market is just going open- München (munich) will switch the whole of their PCs to SuSE in March. IBM will give a hint to Novell that they want to sell some big machines working in a linux network... have a lot of hope Michael Eichstädt
Am Dienstag, 25. November 2003 21:33 schrieb Daniel Eckl:
"trying to buy"?
They _have bought_ SuSE.
SCO did not do any steps against SUSE (yet). If this has a connetcion can only be guessed.
Greets, Daniel
P.S.: Hmmmm, stopping this thread is harder than I thought...
Am Dienstag, 25. November 2003 21:14 schrieb Old Sarge:
To ALL: I would not worry about Novell trying to buy Suse, as SCO is tying them up in court. Seems like SCO says it has priority on any buying of SuSe, for some reason. Wish I knew the whole story and what is the most likely outcome! :-( -- Old Sarge, prefer using voice dictation because of my arthritis!
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Dear Radu, did You know that the german language is the most underestimated in Europe? There are more than 200 million native speakers living in Europe. But only 70 million speaking english as their native tongue. And after all Germany is one of the top five economies in the world. Do You really think this is irrelevant? Further more SuSE is still a german company and their products are first of all for their home market. By the way, I wonder what is Your nationality? Just to cure my curiosity. greetings from my beloved homecountry Germany Michael Eichstädt
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.
Guten Tag, ich habe im Thread "what will happen to KDE on Suse..." Beiträge geposted und werde jetzt privat mit solchen mails belästigt. Ich bin ein weltoffener und toleranter Mensch mit Respekt vor meinen Mitmenschen und wünsche auch so behandelt zu werden. Ich denke es kann und darf in einer internationalen Liste keinen Raum für Diskriminierung geben. Nicht nur Rechtsextremismus ist Diskriminierung, sondern auch die pauschale Unterstellung desselben. Genauso wenig kann ich einen Maulkorb für die begangenen Taten meiner Ururahnen akzeptieren. Was aber noch viel wichtiger ist: Es geht hier doch um SuSE linux, oder nicht? Linux an sich ist opensource, von allen für alle, überall auf diesem Globus, und damit kann eine Firma wie SuSE es sich wohl kaum erlauben derartige Entgleisungen in ihren Foren unkommentiert zu lassen. Ich wünsche jedenfalls nicht private mails von Listenmitgliedern mit solchen Inhalten zu erhalten. Entfernen Sie bitte solche Mitglieder. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Michael Eichstädt P.S. An den Absender Radu: Es ist feige solche mails nicht über die Liste abzusetzen. Dear admin, I posted in the Thread "what will happen to KDE on Suse..". Now I receive mails on my mailadress not gone through the list. I'm a tolerant and openminded person with respect for all people and want to be treated like that. I think that in an international list like this is no room for discrimination. Not only extremism settled on Nazi-ideas is discrimination, but also the imputation of being one. In the same way I can't accept a restriction of my right of free speech because of the deeds of my grandgrandfathers. But - what is more important after all: It's all about SuSE linux here, isn't it? Linux is open source, from everybody for everybody anywhere in the world. for this reason (and many not mentioned) I think that SuSE can not permit herself to accept that lapses like that happen in their lists and leave them uncommented. As far as I am concerned I do not want to receive private mail from listmembers with that kind of content. Please unsubscribe that kind of members if they can't behave. P.S. To the sender Radu: It is a cowardly behaviour not to send this via the list. mail from Radu Pirvu to my personalmailadress: You are correct, but what you seem to forget is that your country killed many millions of people not longer than 60 years ago. So you should have the decency to keep quiet! /radu Am Donnerstag, 27. November 2003 23:29 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
Dear Radu, did You know that the german language is the most underestimated in Europe? There are more than 200 million native speakers living in Europe. But only 70 million speaking english as their native tongue. And after all Germany is one of the top five economies in the world. Do You really think this is irrelevant? Further more SuSE is still a german company and their products are first of all for their home market. By the way, I wonder what is Your nationality? Just to cure my curiosity. greetings from my beloved homecountry Germany Michael Eichstädt
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.
Am Sonntag, 30. November 2003 11:32 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
Dear admin,
I posted in the Thread "what will happen to KDE on Suse..". Now I receive mails on my mailadress not gone through the list.
you get such bullshit as well? I'd say this not only calls for a forceful unsubscribe from the list, but also from his internet service provider. reckon i'll contact soon. btw, he uses a new adress now, does that mean he has already lost his account? bye, [MH]
* Mathias Homann <> [11-30-03 06:50]:
Am Sonntag, 30. November 2003 11:32 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
I posted in the Thread "what will happen to KDE on Suse..". Now I receive mails on my mailadress not gone through the list.
you get such bullshit as well?
I'd say this not only calls for a forceful unsubscribe from the list, but also from his internet service provider. reckon i'll contact soon. btw, he uses a new adress now, does that mean he has already lost his account?
I believe that earlier in the thread, someone noted that more than one individual has that name, and the address originally attributed to the troll was not correct ??? -- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 @
Am Sonntag, 30. November 2003 16:55 schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
I believe that earlier in the thread, someone noted that more than one individual has that name, and the address originally attributed to the troll was not correct ???
yep. there is one guy to be found on google, with a webpage on, which is _not_ our 'friend' here. 'our' radu used to post from an adress, and has now moved to bye, [MH]
-- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 @
-- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und 823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt! gpg key fingerprint: 5F64 4C92 9B77 DE37 D184 C5F9 B013 44E7 27BD 763C
Mathias Homann wrote:
Am Sonntag, 30. November 2003 16:55 schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
I believe that earlier in the thread, someone noted that more than one individual has that name, and the address originally attributed to the troll was not correct ???
yep. there is one guy to be found on google, with a webpage on, which is _not_ our 'friend' here.
'our' radu used to post from an adress, and has now moved to
bye, [MH]
-- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535
a couple of points here: - gmx has fairly strong rules in this kind of thing. I believe you even need a valid terrestrial mail-address to open a gmx account. That would indicate that our little friend could be in Germany - who cares about his inadequacies? This is what spam filters are for. and now to a genuine problem: I have just upgraded to 9.0 (again). I can fire mozilla up as usual, but as soon as I hit any key on the keyboard (mouse clicks are fine), mozilla freezes up on me and has to be killed. No error-messages, nothing. Upgrading it to 1.5 did not help either. This message was comes to you via 'Kate' and cut-and-paste :-(
-- opinions personal, facts suspect.
** Answering the last part of my own post ** Andrew Williams wrote:
and now to a genuine problem:
I have just upgraded to 9.0 (again). I can fire mozilla up as usual, but as soon as I hit any key on the keyboard (mouse clicks are fine), mozilla freezes up on me and has to be killed. No error-messages, nothing. Upgrading it to 1.5 did not help either. This message was comes to you via 'Kate' and cut-and-paste :-(
Problem fixed: Sorry about that, no - my ISP does not support IPV6 so I don't need it. This message did not need Kate ;-) -- opinions personal, facts suspect.
Michael Eichstädt wrote:
Dear Radu, did You know that the german language is the most underestimated in Europe? There are more than 200 million native speakers living in Europe. But only 70 million speaking english as their native tongue. And after all Germany is one of the top five economies in the world. Do You really think this is irrelevant? Further more SuSE is still a german company and their products are first of all for their home market. By the way, I wonder what is Your nationality? Just to cure my curiosity. greetings from my beloved homecountry Germany Michael Eichstädt
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.
I have been following this list for sometime on and off. I think that it's is discracefull that list members send abusive mail to other members personal addresses's There is know excuse for this, this guy Radu is trying to hide behind his address. If this is the same guy as I think he is, he cannot hide for long. I know his location, and place of study. You can find it easily by using the net using Google. And guy's remember this is a SuSE list, keep your other opinions to your. Do'nt hide behind a email address, you will in the end be found out. As far as I am concerened SuSE make a find product, where it comes from I dont care. -Stanley
On Friday 28 November 2003 11:40 am, Sven Burmeister wrote:
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.
I think we should ignore Radu's trolls. He appears increasingly unhinged. -- Best wishes Kevin Donnelly - Meddalwedd Rydd yn Gymraeg
Kevin Donnelly wrote:
On Friday 28 November 2003 11:40 am, Sven Burmeister wrote:
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.
I think we should ignore Radu's trolls. He appears increasingly unhinged.
its the season... my guess is that the human brain works only with the proper amount of sunlight... anyone who knows the english version of "wie man in den wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus"? bye, MH
On Friday 28 November 2003 07:48 am, Mathias Homann wrote:
wie man in den wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus
Well, translating idioms is always hard, since it's easy to lose the meaning, but I think it's something like this? as one in-calls into the forest, then it schallt (shout?) out <literal word for word>. Shallt? or is it Schalt? As in to switch? or is it shout? Or is it again Schall as in "sound" So: As one shouts into the forest no sound returns? Curtis.
* Curtis Rey ( [031128 15:30]:
As one shouts into the forest no sound returns?
Well, as far as this list goes it should be.. As one shouts into the forest... it screams back incoherently and sometimes spitting. ;) -- Ben Rosenberg ---===--- #147972 ---===--- -- Why do we bother with a suicide watch when someone is on deathrow? " Keep an eye on this guy. We're gonna kill him, and we don't want him to hurt himself."
Am Samstag, 29. November 2003 00:36 schrieb Ben Rosenberg:
* Curtis Rey ( [031128 15:30]:
As one shouts into the forest no sound returns?
Well, as far as this list goes it should be..
As one shouts into the forest... it screams back incoherently and sometimes spitting. ;)
yea... by now, i get mails from radu contaning nothing but the quoted message he tries to reply to... does that mean he finally realized that he's got nothing coherent to say? oh, and @radu: dude. 'better than 32%'. 'nuff said. bye, [MH]
Quoting Mathias Homann <>:
Am Samstag, 29. November 2003 00:36 schrieb Ben Rosenberg:
* Curtis Rey ( [031128 15:30]:
As one shouts into the forest no sound returns?
Well, as far as this list goes it should be..
As one shouts into the forest... it screams back incoherently and sometimes spitting. ;)
yea... by now, i get mails from radu contaning nothing but the quoted message
he tries to reply to... does that mean he finally realized that he's got nothing coherent to say?
This might mean that his computer is infected in some sort, I've seen this behaviour on other forums (re-posting old messages just to generate traffic and hope for a Denial of Service). However, I don't think the first part (the one offensive to Germans and to any civilized person) is automatically generated. But you never know... Cheers, Robert. PS. I just upgraded to SuSE 9.0 from 8.2 and so far I am more than satisfied with the changes!
oh, and @radu:
dude. 'better than 32%'. 'nuff said.
bye, [MH]
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Maier ESAT SCD/COSIC ______ _____ _____ ______ Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 / ____/___ / ___//_ _// ____/ 3001 Heverlee / / / __ \ \__ \ / / / / BELGIUM / /___/ /_/ /___/ /_/ /_/ /___ Phone: +32-16-32.18.53 \____/\____//____//____/\____/ Fax: +32-16-32.19.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Curtis Rey <> wrote:
On Friday 28 November 2003 07:48 am, Mathias Homann wrote:
wie man in den wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus
Well, translating idioms is always hard, since it's easy to lose the meaning, but I think it's something like this?
As one shouts into the forest no sound returns?
More like: As one calls into the forest, so it will resound. Klaus __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
Yes, that is the literal translation, but I think we would like an idiomatic translation, which eludes me. The meaning of the quote is: One who behaves badly will be treated badly back. The English probably have a Shakespeare quotation handy for this, but merely being a Swede puts me at a severe literary disadvantage here. /Lennart lördagen den 29 november 2003 08.01 skrev K V:
--- Curtis Rey <> wrote:
On Friday 28 November 2003 07:48 am, Mathias Homann
wie man in den wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus
Well, translating idioms is always hard, since it's easy to lose the meaning, but I think it's something like this?
As one shouts into the forest no sound returns?
More like:
As one calls into the forest, so it will resound.
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
-- !++ ! Lennart Börjeson ! Partner, Developer ! Cinnober Financial Technology AB ! Industrigatan 2A ! S-112 46 STOCKHOLM ! Sverige/Sweden/Schweden/Suède ! ! phone:+46-8-50304700 ! fax:+46-8-50304701 ! !--
Lennart Börjeson wrote:
Yes, that is the literal translation, but I think we would like an idiomatic translation, which eludes me.
The meaning of the quote is: One who behaves badly will be treated badly back.
The English probably have a Shakespeare quotation handy for this, but merely being a Swede puts me at a severe literary disadvantage here.
lördagen den 29 november 2003 08.01 skrev K V:
--- Curtis Rey <> wrote:
On Friday 28 November 2003 07:48 am, Mathias Homann
wie man in den wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus
Well, translating idioms is always hard, since it's easy to lose the meaning, but I think it's something like this?
As one shouts into the forest no sound returns?
More like:
As one calls into the forest, so it will resound.
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
The quotation is probaly " Evil be to who evil thinks" -Stanley -- __ / / __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / /__ / / / \/ / / /_/ / \ \/ / / /_____/ /_/ /_/\__/ /_____/ /_/\_\ a MSDOS Virus "Free Zone" OS Email:
Am Freitag, 28. November 2003 13:35 schrieb Kevin Donnelly:
On Friday 28 November 2003 11:40 am, Sven Burmeister wrote:
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.
I think we should ignore Radu's trolls. He appears increasingly unhinged.
I seem to have found his homepage... maaaan... with a brainbench certificate like that, in 'computer fundamentals', i would definitely _not_ put it online. bye, [MH]
participants (13)
Andrew Williams
Ben Rosenberg
Curtis Rey
Kevin Donnelly
Lennart Börjeson
Mathias Homann
Michael Eichstädt
Patrick Shanahan
Radu Pirvu
Robert Maier
Stanley Keymer
Sven Burmeister