Hi All! I in the process of ripping all of my albums, but the tool I have has two major flaws. First, it's Windows. Second, it only store ID3v1 tags. The nice thing is that it has a very, very confortable GUI. I press "record" and it records the album. Then I click on the pauses between songs and it splits the album into the appropriate tracks. There is an "auto clean" mode which takes out all of the hissing and clicking automatically, which works wonders with my old albums. I then have to input the artist and track title by hand, but cut-n-paste from freedb.org makes it really easy. Then I covert the wav files to mp3 and I am done! Again, only with the ID3v1 tags. So, the first question is whether there is a comfortable GUI to do the same thing in Linux. The tools I have found so far have all been command line and take about as long to process the album as it does to rip it. The second question is if there is a command line tool to conver ID3V1 tags to ID3V2 tags. I found one that claims to do it (simply called id3v2). However, it's source only and none of the versions I have downloaded contain the configure script that it says to execute first. Arrgh! Any help would be greatly appreaciated. Regards, jimmo -- --------------------------------------- "Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden --------------------------------------- The Linux Tutorial needs your help! Visit us at http://www.linux-tutorial.info
Hi James, Am Samstag, 29. November 2003 11:07 schrieb James Mohr:
[...] So, the first question is whether there is a comfortable GUI to do the same thing in Linux. The tools I have found so far have all been
have you tried konqueror? -> Location: audiocd:/
command line and take about as long to process the album as it does to rip it. [...]
this doesn't take too long here: first: cdda2wav -D /dev/cdrom -x -s -B then: for j in *.wav; do echo $j; lame -b 160 $j ${j/.wav/.mp3}; rm $j; done Bye, Sven
On Saturday 29 November 2003 13:02, sven reinhardt wrote:
Hi James,
Am Samstag, 29. November 2003 11:07 schrieb James Mohr:
[...] So, the first question is whether there is a comfortable GUI to do the same thing in Linux. The tools I have found so far have all been
have you tried konqueror? -> Location: audiocd:/
command line and take about as long to process the album as it does to rip it. [...]
this doesn't take too long here: first: cdda2wav -D /dev/cdrom -x -s -B
then: for j in *.wav; do echo $j; lame -b 160 $j ${j/.wav/.mp3}; rm $j; done
Bye, Sven
Hi Sven! Works fine for CDs, but I have already ripped all of my CDs. I have about 600 albums, as in vinyl, that I want to convert to MP3. I guess most people are just too young to remember all of the great music that came out on vinyl. ;-) I've already done about 50 albums with the Windows tool on my sons' machine, but I was hoping for a Linux-only solution. Regards, jimmo -- --------------------------------------- "Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden --------------------------------------- The Linux Tutorial needs your help! Visit us at http://www.linux-tutorial.info
Hi James, sorry 'bout that ignorance of mine - I really should not try to answer questions this time of day... Have you tried gramofile? http://panic.et.tudelft.nl/~costar/gramofile/ hth, Sven
On Saturday 29 November 2003 07:39 am, sven reinhardt wrote:
Hi James,
sorry 'bout that ignorance of mine - I really should not try to answer questions this time of day...
Have you tried gramofile? http://panic.et.tudelft.nl/~costar/gramofile/
hth, Sven =============
Also, gramofile is on your SuSE cds! Many have used this to convert the albums to CD James and I understand it works nicely. Lee -- --- KMail v1.5.4 --- SuSE Linux Pro v9.0 --- Registered Linux User #225206 On any other day, that might seem strange...
BandiPat wrote:
Also, gramofile is on your SuSE cds! Many have used this to convert the albums to CD James and I understand it works nicely.
I looked at the links on the gramofile home page and one of them (this one: http://articles.linmagau.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=153&page=1 ) also referred to audacity as being a more sophisticated version. It is also on the SuSE CDs. -- opinions personal, facts suspect. http://home.arcor.de/36bit/samba.html
On Saturday 29 November 2003 12:24 pm, James Mohr wrote:
Works fine for CDs, but I have already ripped all of my CDs. I have about 600 albums, as in vinyl, that I want to convert to MP3.
Gramofile is good, but for a GUI approach you should look at Peter Jodda's KHdRecord: http://software.jodda.de/ This is very easy to use (it will record off a radio card or mic as well as off the sound-card), but I'm not sure that it comes with the anti-noise fetaures you are looking for. -- Best wishes Kevin Donnelly www.kyfieithu.co.uk - Meddalwedd Rydd yn Gymraeg
participants (5)
Andrew Williams
James Mohr
Kevin Donnelly
sven reinhardt