On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 16:10:55 +0200 Mathias Homann <admin@eregion.de> wrote:
Am Freitag, 23. September 2005 15:37 schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
* Mathias Homann <admin@eregion.de> [09-23-05 08:10]:
I have created such a dummy package, put it into my own installation source, and behold, yast2 gladly installs those kde.*-devel packages it refused to earlier.
If anyone wants that dummy package, i can put it online somewhere.
Could you possibly email it to me or provide a dl location.
ok, i'll upload the source and noarch rpm packages. the urls are: http://www.eregion.de/dummy-0.1-0.mh.0.noarch.rpm and http://www.eregion.de/dummy-0.1-0.mh.0.src.rpm
I'd be more interested in a "real" solution and I thought this was the right list to post about such problems. Or is it intended to contact SUSE/Novell directly about this matter? Anyway, I filed a bug report at http://www.suse.de/feedback Cheers, Ingo -- Ingo Strauch ---- Registered Linux User #227900 (http://counter.li.org/) GPG Key Fingerprint = DEC8 1B12 9573 6BE7 7A99 C33F 809C 8C2C 772E 66A1 http://www.the-one-brack.org/