Marko.Härtel wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2004 18:54 schrieb Marc Collin:
i have suse 9.0,
on my desktop i have icon for all partition and cdrom
when i start kde, i can see that suse create some icon for partition and cdrom, and this icons disapear (but mine stay there)... somebody know how to remove this icons creation by suse?
if i remove all icons i created, i can see that suse create some icons and disapear after a few second
any idea?
exit the program suseplugger or configure it.
if you readed the rest of the thread, all is configured... i plugged my camera, the icon is not created but i can see the enry in fstab.... when i start kde: you can see in red the icon created by suse after a few second my susepluggerrc file [General] Autostart=true DoNotShowPopup=false EnableIconCamera=true EnableIconCdrom=true EnableIconFloppy=false EnableIconHdd=true EnableIconZip=false UseCDAutoStart=false UseCDMediaDetect=false my .directory file [Desktop Entry] BgImage= Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=desktop Type=Directory [IconPosition::CD-ROM 2.desktop] X=30 Y=552 [IconPosition::CD-ROM 3.desktop] X=30 Y=621 [IconPosition::CD-ROM.desktop] X=31 Y=483 [IconPosition::Disque dur] X=29 Y=69 [IconPosition::Floppy.desktop] X=139 Y=5 [IconPosition::Lien vers une application] X=879 Y=529 [IconPosition::Network.desktop] X=24 Y=5 [IconPosition::Printer.desktop] X=245 Y=5 [IconPosition::Trash] X=895 Y=621 [IconPosition::c.desktop] X=31 Y=138 [IconPosition::d.desktop] X=31 Y=207 [IconPosition::de.desktop] X=31 Y=276 [IconPosition::i.desktop] X=31 Y=345 [IconPosition::j.desktop] X=31 Y=414