29 Apr
29 Apr
Suse 8.2, KDE 3.1 I want to edit the buttons in kicker. I want that the user is not allowed to add buttons again. Therefore I edited home/.kde/share/config/kickerrc In the area general I edited the line: Applets=KMenuButton_1, BrowserButton_1 ..... I thought by deleting for instance BrowserButton_1 it will not be shown any more. But after a restart the line appears unchanged again, so I think Suse does something...? When I rightclick on the buttons I can delete them. But I don't want that the user can do this or that he can add buttons again. So I thougt making kickerrc readonly would help. What is my mistake? Do I edit the right file? Does Suse really change kickerrc after a restart? Thanks for your help Dirk