Am Freitag, 10. Oktober 2003 11:38 schrieb Ian David Laws:
On Friday 10 October 2003 00:59, Mathias Homann wrote: Hi
What are you trying to say ???????????
I understand German but
basically this: bullshit. Logitech Cordless Desktop MX. KDE 3.1.4 auf SuSE 8.2 Pro. I can see any of the special keys in xev with names lie XF86Mail etc etc. I can use all those keys as hotkeys for programs in kde menu editor. but kmail and the kjotkeys configuration applet from kde control center know only a subset of them?! Now, if I look at where the rpm packages came from (not where I got them from, that was one of the official suse mirrors), I find that for example kdebase3 was built on a different machine from kdenetwork3... most probably not with exactly the same installation. How wonderful. in total, suse seems to use quite a lot of different boxes to build packages on: lemmy@gildor:~> rpm -qa --queryformat="%{BUILDHOST}\\n"|sort -u|grep suse|wc -l 153 at least onehundredfiftythree, most probably not with exactly the same installation, or why refuses kooka to access my scanner since the kde 3.1.4 update, but xsane and xscanimage strill work? In some cases, not even subpackages of a package come from the same host: lemmy@gildor:~> for i in $(rpm -qa --queryformat=%{NAME}\\n|grep ^kdegraph); do echo $i: $(rpm -q --queryformat=%{BUILDHOST} $i); done|sort kdegraphics3-3D: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3-devel: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3-extra: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3-fax: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3-kamera: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3-postscript: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3-scan: stern.suse.de ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ kdegraphics3-tex: eclipse.suse.de kdegraphics3: eclipse.suse.de lemmy@gildor:~> for i in $(rpm -qa --queryformat=%{NAME}\\n|grep ^kdebin); do echo $i: $(rpm -q --queryformat=%{BUILDHOST} $i); done|sort kdebindings3-c: Zert204.suse.de kdebindings3-java: Zert204.suse.de kdebindings3-mozilla: Zert204.suse.de kdebindings3-perl: E120.suse.de ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Updated to a halt. Wonderful. Does that make me fit for a serious discount on SuSE 9.0? bye, MH ps. ceterum censeo suse should change the names of mailing lists so that there is a standard about which language a list is in.